Page 114 of The Man of the Hour



8:58 p.m.

“Whoo!” Hunter hollered, flinging his arms wide. “The party ison.”

Five guys fanned out on the sidewalk, Ian strolling in the center. More guests emerged from parked cars, calling out to Ian.

The downtown area was busy, with lights strung around the trees and people spilling onto the sidewalks from restaurants and clubs. Neon signs lit faces, and cars cruised down the bustling streets.

On the next block, Brendan saw the bar they’d rented out for the evening. There would be game tables, a DJ, a private bartender. He’d made all the arrangements. Getting there was the first step on his checklist. If he focused on each item, and didn’t think about Sonia, he’d be okay.

Three women strolled by, openly checking him and Ian out.

“It’s crazy, how much they look alike,” one of them whispered.

Brendan acknowledged her with a wink. From there, the attention snowballed. Every woman who passed the twins did a double take.

It was nice. Very nice. This was the first time in over a year that he’d been out with Ian in a guys-only situation. He’d missed the perks of being a twin. As they sauntered down the block, he started tossing out easy smiles like candy.

“Oh my God, can we take your picture?” called out another group. Ian rolled his eyes, but Brendan flashed his dimples.

“Go ahead. This one’s getting married tomorrow,” he announced, grabbing Ian in a headlock.

“Too bad,” one of the girls sighed. Despite her disappointment, she managed to snap a photo.

“What about you?” another girl asked, sizing Brendan up. “Areyougetting married tomorrow?”

Brendan chuckled, letting his eyes linger on her face. “Nope.”

She moved toward him, and the wheels began turning in his mind. He saw the way he’d cock his head, flirt, reel her in. He could see their sex unfolding like a diagram, each step that he’d take with her.

But after a week with Sonia, he also saw the fakeness of it all. The calculating act was splitting away from him like a peel falling off a fruit. He tried to grab hold of it, tried to push the meddling thoughts away.

And yet, when he glanced at his brother, it only reminded him of how shallow his own love life was in comparison. Ian had Diana. She’d always been his. What did Brendan have?

Ian leaned in. “Don’t give up on Sonia,” he said in a low voice.

“There’s nothing there,” Brendan said heartily. “We hung out, that’s all.”

“Come on, B. I saw how you were with each other. Just give her some time and space.”

The group of women was walking away, but the one he’d spoken to looked back at him, tucking her long brown hair flirtatiously behind her ears. It would be so easy with her — to have it mean nothing, to have no one get hurt.

For him not to get hurt.

“Do me a favor tonight, okay?” Ian’s voice broke in by his ear. “Keep those animal impulses in check.”

“Me?Animal impulses?”Brendan guffawed. “Don’t worry, bro. I’m the king of keeping my impulses in check.”


“Hunter, I’m going to kill you.”

Rising from the black leather couch in the back of the bar, Brendan tried to stay calm. Hunter was grinning proudly, his blond hair hanging over his glazed eyes.

The venue was perfect. Relaxed, a good vibe, guests flocking to Ian under the purple lighting. Brendan had organized and executed every inch of this party, and so far, everything had gone according to plan.