Page 107 of The Man of the Hour

“I moaned,” Sonia whispered. “I couldn’t help myself. It was so pathetically obvious that I wanted you. Then Di looked up and saw me. She smiled, and I knew from her face that she was fine with it. They kept going, and I didn’t move. I watched them make love. They were gorgeous and hot and — and crazy in love — and it clearly turned them on to have an audience.”

Brendan made a low noise. He was well aware of that.

Sonia put her hand on his chest. “Bren, I won’t lie to you. There was a part of me that put myself in Diana’s place and imagined Ian was you. I couldn’t fool myself for long, but for a few minutes, I lived in that fantasy. When they ended and, you know, held each other, I thought about how they belong together. How in love they are. And how that would probably never be in the cards for me.”

Why?Brendan wanted to ask. But he understood. Because he’d had the same thought himself.

“Later, Di was asleep and I saw Ian on our balcony. I went out and sat next to him. He said, ‘You need the real deal, Sonia. If you want my brother, you want him. Nothing good will happen if you keep denying it.’ It was rare to see Ian so serious. I said, ‘I don’t think anything good will happen if I fuck Brendan, either. He’s a walking bag of no.’ All he said was, ‘Try getting to know him. Because I won’t be Brendan again for you.’”

Brendan blew out a breath.Thank you, Ian.“I’m so damn glad you didn’t sleep with him.”

“He’s not you,” Sonia said simply.

He couldn’t hold back any longer. His arms slid swiftly around her and he pulled her down on top of him.

She felt perfect in his arms. Real, honest, alive.

And he was a fucking hypocrite.

He should tell Sonia about the threesome, right now. Tell her that it had been fun and hot and crazy, but yes, Diana and Ian belonged together, and he, he and Sonia,theybelonged together. He didn’t want her with anyone else, and he didn’t know how to handle needing a woman so much.

But he had to be careful. This was Ian and Diana’s secret, too. He needed their permission, needed the time to be right. Needed to figure out the best way to break the story to Sonia.

In the meantime, he couldn’t imagine this ending between them.

He touched her cheek. “What if we don’t say goodbye after the wedding?”

Sonia’s shoulders drew in, and her back hunched. But she stayed on top of him, her legs entwined with his.

“Doesn’t it feel good to be together?” he persisted. “Doesn’t it feel right?”

“Don’t tempt me,” she said softly. “Where would this even go?”

“Back to DC.” Brendan wrapped his arms around her waist, determined to tempt her. “Where we’d take care of each other and be so happy. We can do so much together, Sonia. You and me.”

She was beginning to melt. Puddling against him, letting her head fall onto his shoulder. As he basked in her closeness, she raised her head.

“Have you ever told a woman you loved her?”

Brendan sighed. “Yes.”

“Did you mean it?”


Sonia nodded. “I never have.”

They stared at each other.

Say it,Brendan thought.Say those three words to her and tell her the fucking truth.

They’d spent less than a week together. Maybe he was crazy, but he didn’t think so.

“Let me stay,” he said quietly. “Please. Let me stay and spend the night and hold you and make you feel good.”

“Brendan, this week is about your orders.”

“I’m asking.”