Page 106 of The Man of the Hour

“Then why are you hiding under the pillow?”

He raised the pillow further, sliding it over her head to cloak them both. “I was just hoping you’d come in here with me.” Her mouth was soft when he kissed her. He nipped her lower lip. “Now I’ve got you exactly where I want you.”

Sonia snorted and batted the pillow off the bed. When Brendan snatched the other pillow behind her, she rose to the bait, tugging it fiercely, then throwing the covers over his head when she couldn’t pry it free. Two minutes later, the bed looked like a hurricane had blown through it, and they were both breathless with laughter.

Sonia flopped down on his chest, driving the air out of him. She might be petite, but she really was solid muscle.

He wrapped his arms around her waist. “So you liked it when Ian was me.”

Her breath quickened. “It was cute. But I like the real you better.”

He trailed kisses down her jaw, her neck. “Want me to be him?”

“Canyou?” Sonia squirmed when Brendan tickled her sides.

“Just watch me.” His voice dropped to a rough growl. “Get over here, you hot little slut. I’m gonna fuck you into next week. Damn, look at these tits.” Pushing her up to straddle him, he squeezed her breasts.

Sonia shook with laughter, grabbing his wrists. “Stop! Jesus. That ‘bad boy’ act works on Diana. Not me.”

Brendan moved his hands to her hips. Keeping his voice casual, he asked, “Has anything ever happened between you and Di?”

“What do you mean, ‘happened?’” Sonia looked down at him innocently, but a quirk of her lips gave her away.

“You know what I mean. I saw the way you held onto each other when she finally showed up tonight.”

Sonia’s mouth opened and closed. “Let me put it this way,” she said finally. “You’re not the only person in this room who’s kissed Diana.”

Brendan’s stomach dropped. So they were going to play this game? His resolve hardened along with his cock.

“Does Ian know?” He raised his eyebrows, mimicking Sonia’s accusing look from earlier.

“Yes,” Sonia said slowly. “He does.”


“It was basically nothing. It happened last year, our senior year in college, pretty soon after Di asked if I wanted Ian to pretend to be you. She and I were hanging out one night, watching a movie in her bed. She was getting cuddly with me. I let her. I knew she was missing Ian. When the movie ended, we just kind of looked at each other, not saying anything, and it happened. We kissed, and Diana called Ian to confess. He was…not terribly upset.”

Brendan counted to three in his head, trying to stay calm. “So Ian gave you two his blessing?” He offered Sonia a charming smile, and her eyes narrowed.

“It only happened once. And frankly, it was sweet and innocent. Probably the most innocent kisses I’ve ever had. So you can stop picturing all the hot girl-on-girl action I’m sure you’re hoping for.”

Brendan made a neutral noise, hoping his face didn’t give him away. But Sonia was looking at the ceiling.

“There’s more. I should probably tell you this, since we’re… Since you and I…” She broke off. “I should probably tell you.”

“Go ahead.”

“The next time Ian came to visit, he and Diana left the door open when they got down to business. Just a crack. I still don’t know if it was an accident, or on purpose, or, you know, accidentally on purpose.”

Sonia’s dark eyes met his. Brendan nodded encouragingly, but his stomach churned. He both wanted and didn’t want to know where this was going.

“They were being quiet. I didn’t even know that Ian had gotten to Yale yet. I figured Di was studying in her room. So I pushed the door open to tell her I was getting groceries, and did she want anything, and there they were on her bed. Diana didn’t see me right away. Ian was on top of her, and when he looked at me — it wasn’t Ian looking out at me from those pretty eyes. It was you.”

Brendan’s pulse jumped. “Me.”

“He wore your expression — God, yourface—like it was his own skin. Staring at me while he was fucking Diana. This electric bolt ran through my body. Hewinkedat me — that charming little wink you give everybody. And he said in your voice, ‘It’s okay, baby. You can come on in.’”

Lust and jealousy twined inside Brendan in a heady brew. He had absolutely no right to be upset, but it didn’t keep him from seeing red.