Page 105 of The Man of the Hour

Sonia’s eyes got even wider, shining in the faint light from between the curtains.

Brendan’s face went hot. Shit, thatyou…he hadn’t meant to say it. NotI love you.

But he didn’t take it back, and Sonia didn’t say anything at all. She just curled up against him, rubbing her cheek against his chest.



2:26 a.m.

“There’s something I need to tell you.” Brendan murmured, spooning Sonia in her bed.

Rolling over to face him, Sonia touched the tip of his nose. “You sound so serious.”

He took a deep breath. “I gave Diana her first kiss.”

To his surprise, Sonia laughed. “Really? What, when you were in elementary school? Let me guess. She fell off her bike and you offered to ‘kiss her boo-boos.’”

“No. When she was eighteen. A couple of weeks before she graduated high school, I kissed her.”And fucked her in my treehouse with my brother.

“Oh.” Sonia sat up. “I didn’t know.”

“She never said anything?”

“Never. DoesIanknow?” Sonia peered at him accusingly.

Brendan laughed. “Of course. We don’t keep secrets from each other.” He felt a twinge as he looked at Sonia. “Usually.”

“Did you…” Sonia began, brushing her hair back. He could tell she was trying to act cool and unbothered. “Did you ever have feelings for Diana? Do you have feelings for her now?”

Brendan blew out a breath. This was the last question he’d expected. He’d figured if Sonia asked about anything, it would be physical.When, where, how much?

“Yes and no.”

Sitting up against the pillows, Sonia pulled her knees to her chest. Her dark eyes were filled with an emotion he couldn’t name.

“I love Di, very much. But I’ve never thought,Man, I wish she were my girlfriend.She belongs with my brother. I’ll always have a soft spot for her, let’s put it that way. But I don’t want her to be mine.”

Sonia nodded, taking this in. “Do you wantanyoneto be yours?”

Brendan knew if he spoke, he’d stumble. He took a minute to pull himself together. “More than I used to. Let’s just say I wasn’t into monogamy for a while. I liked having options.”

“Oh?” Sonia arched a brow. “How not into monogamy were you?”

Hearing her use the past tense, like he’d just done, unsettled Brendan. He took a deep breath. “Ever had a threesome?”

Sonia looked startled. “A few times. They were okay. Sometimes hard to coordinate. Have you?”

“Many times,” he admitted. Diana wasn’t the only girl he’d shared with his brother, though she’d been the last. “Bigger groups, too. Four, five…”

Sonia looked taken aback, and Brendan was pleased to be the one shocking her for a change. “Wow. You mustreallylike people. Leave it to an extrovert.”

He burst out laughing. Rolling onto his back, he pulled his pillow over his face.“That’s one way to look at it.”

The mattress sank. The corner of the pillow lifted, and Sonia’s dark eyes peeked in. “Are you embarrassed?”

“Course not.”