Page 101 of The Man of the Hour

Lights shone on the patterned green carpet, strangely bright in the middle of the night. He tied the drawstring on his old sweatpants, smoothing down his gray UConn T-shirt. Sonia’s scent still clung to it.

Her room key waited in his pocket.

He hoped everyone he knew was sleeping. But when he stepped into the elevator, the mayor he’d spoken to at dinner stood in the corner.

Panic seized Brendan. He was wearing his ratty college tee and hole-in-the-crotch sweatpants, right when he wanted to make a good impression, and he was on his way to have sex with a woman in her sleep. But the mayor was so busy on his phone, he didn’t even glance up.

The elevator rose and stopped on the next floor. When the doors slid open, Hunter and Keith tumbled in.

“B! You gonna get shit-faced at the bachelor party? It’s not too late to call some strippers…”

Fuck, the mayor was right behind him. Brendan glared a warning at Hunter and Keith, but the elevator was already going up.

The doors opened again. In the hallway, Ian and Diana were kissing and laughing, rubbing noses. Their heads swiveled to Brendan at the same time.

“Thereyou are,” Di said.

“We’ve been looking all over for you,” Ian drawled.

They both stepped in. As the doors closed, Diana reached over and pressed thestop elevatorbutton.

“No one needs to know about us.” Giving Brendan a sultry look, Di unbuttoned her dress. “No one ever needs to know.”


Brendan backed away as she exposed her full breasts, but he hit the elevator wall. Diana advanced on him, climbing him like a tree. Ian came up behind her, sandwiching her firmly against his brother.

Terrified, Brendan looked over at the mayor, at Hunter and Keith, but they had disappeared. He was alone with Ian and Diana.

His hands rose to support Di’s ass, like his will wasn’t his own.

Ian’s hand snaked between Di’s thighs, rubbing her clit, and she was naked now, kissing Brendan frantically, her nipples hard as pearls against his chest. He was helplessly aroused, feeling like a doll, a sex doll who existed solely for the happy couple to get off.

“Fuck me before we get married, Brendan,” Diana begged.

He struggled, but Di was all feminine curves against him, dangerously sexy, moaning as Ian brought her to orgasm.

“That’s right, bad girl,” Ian growled. “Let’s get you all warmed up for my brother.”

Brendan opened his mouth.I’m with Sonia now.

But he wasn’t.

Not truly.

The wordSUNDAYscreamed in his mind.

The elevator doors opened. Sonia stood there, staring at the three of them, wearing her black dance clothes and clutching a bouquet of crushed stargazer lilies.

“Shit!” Brendan sat up in bed, gasping for breath.

He was in his dark, quiet hotel room, bare-chested and soaked with sweat. His cock stabbed through his sweatpants. He needed relief, but not like this. Not alone, masturbating to the lingering haze of that dream.

Where did it come from? He’d never regretted sleeping with Diana, or sharing her with his brother. He’d certainly never beenafraidof Di. She was sweet and lovable, and even her sexiness was cute. He’d felt caring and protective toward her since she was little. During their threesomes — which he’d been responsible for starting in the first place — he’d taken pride in showing her just how sexy she was.

But his dream lived on some weird border between fantasy and nightmare.

He rolled out of bed and splashed cold water on his face and chest. Toweling off, he pulled on his UConn shirt, which did still smell faintly like Sonia. He retrieved her room key from his dresser and turned it over.