Page 10 of The Man of the Hour

Abruptly, Brendan growled and thrust hard. Above him, Di let out a gasp of surprise, and Ian mumbled a warning about Brendan messing up the rhythm.

“We don't want to hurt Diana, bro.”

Fuck, no, he didn't. He never wanted to hurt Diana. But he was too far gone to regain control. Drunk on lust, he exploded as he heard Sonia moaning his name.

“Brendan!” Diana said afterwards, as Ian spooned her. “You were supposed to wait for us. It's better when we all come together.” She playfully swatted his arm.

“Sorry about that, cutie,” Brendan mumbled. “I guess I got carried away.”

“Can't blame him for being so turned on by you, baby,” Ian said, playing lazily with Diana's breasts. As they cuddled, guilt crept through Brendan. It wasn't an emotion he experienced often.

Diana was so used to sexual attention from both twins, he couldn't picture how she'd feel if he ended the threesome. But he didn’t think it would be pretty. The longer their affair went on, the more he sensed Di taking it for granted that both twins would be there to please her.

Her blue eyes met his. He wasn’t sandwiching her with Ian like he usually did; instead, he was lying on his back with his arms folded behind his head.

“Is everything okay?” she asked.

“Just great,” Brendan said, wanting to smooth over the anxious look on Di’s face. “You were incredible.”

“There isn’t anyone else, is there? Obviously, if you find a special someone, we’ll stop.” Diana’s eyes darted, and Brendan had a feeling she was counting on the answer to be “no.”

“Trust me, cutie, I don't see that happening anytime soon,” Brendan assured her. “No time in my schedule, and I don't like being tied down. You know nothing with a woman has ever lasted longer than a few months.”

“Won't you need to find a political spouse who supports you in every way?” she teased. “A loyal wife who makes your brilliant career her life's work?”

Brendan’s stomach sank. Diana was right. Eventually, he’d need to find that kind of partner and marry her if he wanted to run for office. It was practically an unwritten part of the job description.

The prospect didn't exactly light him on fire.

“Someday,” he said with a wink. “But not today.”

“Until that day, Iguesswe can find room for B in our bed,” Ian joked. “His horny ass needs a wholesome outlet now and then. He's been sleeping with you longer than any other girl.”

“Are you okay with continuing this after we're married?” Diana asked Ian, turning her back to Brendan and pressing her lips to her fiancé’s. “Or do you want us to stop?”

Like he wasn't even there. If Brendan had any doubts about being superfluous, they vanished right then.

“I’m okay with it as long as you are, baby.” Ian pulled her down for another kiss. “Nothing better than a happy wife. Right, B?”

Brendan shrugged, forcing a smile. “I wouldn't know.”



10:56 p.m.

Atap on his desk broke his reverie, pulling him back to the present.

“Brendan?” Melanie peered down at him, her cardigan pulled close around her shoulders in the office’s frigid air-conditioning. Her brown hair was coming loose from its twist, and circles under her eyes showed through her makeup. She clutched a sheaf of papers. “This legislation is kicking my ass. I need to write talking points, but I can’t get through it.”

“Tired, Mel?” He leaned back in his chair.

“Exhausted. Even the coffee isn’t doing its job. And Kyle called.” She twisted the wedding ring on her finger. “He wants to know how many nights I’ll be staying late this month.”

He should have known what he was signing up for,Brendan wanted to say. Melanie had gotten married six months ago, after she started working for Senator Wilson. Everyone in the office knew the hours involved. If you didn’t live for the pressure, politics wasn’t for you. Mel’s husband Kyle worked in a think tank; he wasn’t a stranger to this world.

Melanie coughed. Brendan dragged his attention back to her forlorn face.