Page 143 of Priceless

“Daniel, listen. Alexis says you treat her like a queen. I promise, you’re doing everything right.”

“A trip. Maybe this weekend…”

“I’m sorry,” I blurted, as the memories crashed in. Shit, shit, shit. Alexis was coming tomorrow. She’d be in this room in one day. Patrick wasn’t talking to me, finals loomed, Adderall was my best friend, and Dexter’s threat hung over every minute. How the fuck would I hide all that from her? “She’s visiting me this weekend. But I’ll try to switch the dates. I know this is important to you—”

“Forget it.” He exhaled. “Sorry for this, Christina. I shouldn’t have unloaded on you.”

I clenched my fingers and let them uncurl. “Are you — okay?”

“Just tired.”

“I understand. Maybe you should get some sleep.”

“I’ll sleep when I'm dead,” he muttered.

“Uh, Daniel—”

“Don't worry about switching this weekend. The two of you should have fun. And don’t worry about the surprise either. Good luck with finals. Enjoy college. It’s a special time.” He hung up.

I flapped my shirt, trying to fan away the weirdness. My room was hot and sticky, and out the window, as the sun sank toward the horizon, dark clouds were moving in.

When I dialed Alexis, her voicemail picked up, all cupcakes and rainbows.

“Hey, babes. It’s me.” I dogeared a page ofTess of the d’Urbervillesand smoothed it out. “It’s been too long. I’d ask about law school, but I’m sure you’re crushing it. I just talked to your fiancé, and guess what? Worshipping you is like a full-time job. Maybe he should take a break so he can focus on medicine. Kidding!” God, I needed to get off the phone. My mouth was running too fast, and any second, a bomb would drop out. “Anyway, we’re going to have the visit to end all visits in a few days. Be prepared for mayhem, because I’m going to want to blow off steam in the middle of finals. I mean, I’ll probably take breaks to study too. There’s a paper that’ll kill me if I don’t kill it first, but trust me, I’m gonna win this one. I have the great Alexis to live up to, right? Never settle for anything less. Just kidding, really, I swear I’m kidding. Don’t mind me. Love you, girl. See you tomorrow.”

When I hung up, my hand was shaking.

Jesus, I was out of control. I jumped up, pulled my crop top over my head, and peeled off my sweaty jeans. On went my sports bra, a tank top, and a pair of shorts. I laced my sneakers, burst out of my apartment, and hit the ground running.

Fat drops of rain splotched my shoulders and speckled the pavement. The setting sun lit dark-bellied clouds. People were rushing through front doors, covering their heads, and hurrying down the sidewalk. My ponytail slapped my back, getting heavier as the rain wet it down.

I streaked past rows of apartments. Soon, campus was behind me. I followed the streets to the center of town, passing the coffee shop where I’d stopped after my first night with Patrick. The utilities office where I’d paid my overdue bills. The store window that reflected a girl with secrets.

I hadn’t brought my phone. All I had were my keys, tucked in the waistband pocket of my shorts.

The rhythm of jogging emptied my mind. There was only my breath heaving, my heart beating, water streaming down my face and soaking my shirt.

Up ahead was the lake.

No one else was crazy enough to be on the path. On recent runs, I’d seen people rowing, but no one was out on the water, either.

Veering to the right, I followed the route I’d become accustomed to, running counter-clockwise around the choppy lake. Rain drummed the asphalt as the sky let it out. Lightning split the clouds. Thunder boomed. I pushed through the storm, passing battered reeds, slick rocks, shivering leaves.

As I rounded a clump of trees, a figure appeared through the rain.

Broad, silvery pale, pounding the ground. Shirtless, his shorts plastered to his thick thighs.

He was breathing hard. His discarded shirt hung from his waistband. Rivulets of water ran down his heaving chest, turning the hair dark.

I slowed as we approached each other, and he drew up short.

“What are you doing out here?” Patrick demanded.

“Same thing you are.” My heart thudded. My clothes clung to my body. “Except you look like you’ve already been around the lake a few times.”

“You didn’t answer my question.” His voice was hoarse.

I closed the distance between us and halted. Thunder cracked the air. Behind him, the surface of the lake was jagged, shattered by rain.