Laszlo shuddered and he braced his hands into the bed, lifting his chest from mine, staring hard down between us as he rocked slowly, inching out and in again, fusing our hips together in a slow, circling pressure.


"Yes," I gasped as he started to throb inside of me, forcing an echoing pound out of me. I slid my hands down to his ass and held us together as his rhythm faltered, as his wings beat and drummed me into the bed beneath him.

Laszlo glittered suddenly, every feather on him, every silky short fur and gleaming amber strand of hair catching the light as he came. The sight was stunning and shocking, and I struggled against my own sudden rise of ecstasy, savoring the view of him, the blaze of his stare, his brilliant voice arching with a cry.

His eyes fell shut and I surrendered, melting into the bed, shaking through the storm that rushed in my veins, arms and legs losing their strength. Laszlo settled into me, weighing down the thrum of the orgasm, pressing it into my bones. His mouth caught mine as I opened it to moan, and our lips fastened perfectly.

We stilled, wrapped around one another, his wings and tail feathers brushing my arms and legs. One of his hands stroked down my back and over my ass to cup the back of my thigh, a trail of warmth following. He breathed, and my breath hitched as our chests brushed together.

"It's—it's not over."

Laszlo's forehead rested against mine, his head shaking softly. "No. Not yet."

But neither of us moved, our resting bodies comfortingly sewn together while we let the slow pulses and little flares of gentle heat lift us. Laszlo kissed me as I whimpered, arched his throat for me to return the favor when he groaned. The oil did its slow work, leading us to fall together again in clutching stillness.



Pages hissed as they were turned, and the slow and steady heartbeat of Hywel's dreaming sea called from an open window. There was light on the other side of my eyes, the sun shining.

Which meant it was morning.

I wasn't sure when Laszlo and I had finally succumbed to exhaustion. Even if we did sweat out the oil, we were too tightly pressed to one another to do anything but rub it back into each other's skin.

Another page whispered somewhere behind me.

Had I fallen asleep during the act? I couldn't remember what was real and what was some beautiful, decadent dream. Except I didn't have beautiful, decadent dreams, did I?

A feather stroked down the back of my leg, one of Laszlo's tails.

My heart squeezed roughly in my chest, and my eyes pinched tight. I'd had no nightmares. I wasn't sore. Even my eyelashes and toenails were thrumming with freshnéktar. Laszlo had held me like I was as precious as any of his or Hywel's treasures, a wounded gratitude and devotion in his stare.

I wanted to tell myself it was because he'd been so alone, drifting around this castle full of shadows, waiting for his mate to wake, but…

Another page turned. "Are you hungry, dear one?"

He asked it softly, and I thought he might not be certain I was awake. I could ignore the question, not quite ready to face him. Or…

I rolled over in the bed, eyes still pressed shut, and Laszlo moved, ready for me. One arm lifted as I burrowed into his side, pressing my face into his chest, throwing my leg over his. His wings were tucked beneath his back, sitting him up slightly, but he didn't object to my added weight. He was still naked and I wasn't aroused, but I wanted to climb onto his lap, fuck him roughly. I didn't know if it was to thank him, or to try and establish a dynamic Iunderstoodbetween us. A relationship I was prepared for. Instead, I cuddled myself closer, tense and at the edge of weeping as he settled his arms easily around me once more, his book propped on my shoulder.

He didn't repeat the question, and I relaxed slowly as we remained silent. A page scratched softly over my skin.

Dear one.

"Are you sore?"

"No," I whispered.

"You're upset."

I am afraid to ask you why you call me "dear one." Why you want to wash me and dress me in oils. I am afraid that if I tell you I am afraid, you will stop doing those things.

"Last night was wonderful," I said.

A kiss was pressed to the top of my head. Another page turned.