Hywel licked me clean, he and Laszlo stroking me from head to toe as I trembled and quaked through an orgasm that did not quite want to release me. Hywel's lips were swollen from kisses, mine and Laszlo's, and they trailed over my mound and belly as he slithered up my body.

"I don't want to sleep," I admitted, a weak slip of the tongue in the loose and languid aftermath.

"Mmm, I thought as much," Laszlo said, still kissing every inch of skin he could, throat and shoulder and cheek and temple, up one direction and then back down.

"It's not a hardship to continue, I assure you," Hywel said, resting his chin on my belly button and grinning up at me between my breasts.

I stroked clammy hands through his hair, my touch heavy and lazy. The room seemed darker now than it had minutes ago, although crawling up to the height of pleasure always did seem to make the world more vivid, sharper and louder and brighter.

"You needn't be afraid, though," he continued, turning his head to suck a kiss into my stomach. It was much softer, gently rounded, than it had been when Asterion first found me. My appetite sometimes struggled, faded away for days, but when it returned it did so with a vengeance, and Laszlo had always been a determined host, tables never empty until we were all truly full.

"It's a shame Asterion hasn't settled yet," Laszlo whispered, the words distant and I thought not for me. "Minotaurs, you know…quite exhausting."

"Are you calling me inadequate, darling?" Hywel growled, rising up and then nipping at my breasts, startling me into blinking my eyes open.

"Not at all. But adequacy isn't the goal. She needs to beovertaken," Laszlo said.

"Pulverized, more like," Hywel muttered. "She's too delicate."

"Is she? Was it very challenging for you tostuffher on a few minutes' acquaintance?"

I snorted, lips curling, and realized my eyes had shut again. I forced them wide open, drawing in a deep breath to speak. Hywel showed no sign of the murmured argument, smiling at me with a lazy grin, all promise and warning at once.

"Once more, I think," he said, glancing up at Laszlo.

Laszlo hummed and jostled me with a gentle shrug, and then they were rolling me between them, draping my body over Hywel's chest, Laszlo stretching over my back. Wings rustled and my brow furrowed, eyelids drooping against my orders.

Hywel's mouth caught mine, tangy and dark and delicious, and I moaned into his kiss, clawing at his chest as Laszlo slowly and gently slid his cock inside of me. Feathers brushed my side as Hywel's tongue paced with Laszlo's thorough and tender strokes.

I realized too late what Hywel meant by "once more," but it didn't matter. I didn't even make it to the end, falling into a decadent sleep before either Laszlo or I reached our finish.

* * *

My cell.

Strangely, I was relieved.

The room was cold and black and it stank, but I was alone. I couldn't bear to be stolen away from Hywel and Laszlo's embrace to be dropped into a memory of a client.

While trapped in The Seven Veils, the hours or days or weeks alone in the dark were often the worst, left to starve and go mad and forced to survive it all.

But I knew now I would wake again. I would be safe again. I would be tucked between a doting gryphon and an incorrigible dragon.

I held my breath, found my knees with my hands, and waited in the dark for Hywel to finish whatever it was he needed to do. There were no dragging steps, no claws slowly carving into my skin, no rutting weight or heavy growls in my ear. Just quiet. Just dark. And the unpleasant scent of my body left to wither and soil and decay.

I swallowed a gag and shook my head.

I was safe. Iwouldbe safe. In minutes.

Not long.

My chest burned and I sucked in a breath, swallowed the foul flavor of the air, squirmed and bit my lip against the pinch and poke of the horrible mattress, too familiar.

Some of the smell was from the last of Birsha's clients to visit me. A—

No.Don't remember.

Not long.