"You need to wake soon, my love," Laszlo answered, glancing at the dragon over the rim of his spectacles.

Yes,Hywel agreed, but his eyelids still blinked slowly, a drowsy stare tracking our progress.

"Laszlo has taken good care of me since my arrival," I said, and the gryphon's fingers squeezed around mine.

He was always an excellent host.

"I should like to be an appreciative guest."

Hywel chuckled at that, and Laszlo's eyes were narrowed as I turned back to face him. I stepped forward, kissing his chin, reaching up to brush my fingertips over the feathers that wrapped around the sides of his face. Laszlo's mouth opened to speak, but Hywel rumbled in interruption.

Don't dissuade her, darling. I've missed the sight of you coming undone under another's touch. It's been years since you brought us guests to play with.

Laszlo blushed at the words, but he didn't argue, bending his head down to mine for another delicate kiss. It was brandy I was tasting, warm and sweet. My hands settled between our hips, studying the frame of brass buttons that ran down either side of the trousers he wore. When I pulled away to start my work of undressing him, Laszlo turned to stare at Hywel.

"Asterion says you haven't so much as winked at him," Laszlo said.

Asterion doesn't polish my scales…or my cocks.

"I'm sure he would if he thought it would ready you for battle," Laszlo answered drily.

My lips twitched as I plucked at the buttons in front of me. Laszlo's talons slipped into my hair, and my eyes shut of their own accord, a sigh escaping my lips at the delicate stroke of their sharp tips against my scalp.

"Look up at me, dear one," Laszlo murmured.

I hesitated, pulling down the corner of the placket, exposing downy golden fur and the defined cut of an Adonis belt. I leaned in, pressing a kiss to the line of muscle, and Laszlo's fingers tightened in my hair. My breath caught in my chest as he forced my gaze up to meet his.

His face was shadowed, but his eyes glowed behind his glasses, blazing with hunger and a longing so clear it made me want to shy away. I brushed my fingers into the soft, short fur around his hips and his eyelashes fluttered, an unsteady breath puffing out of his parted lips.

"How does he like to be touched?" I asked, glancing briefly toward Hywel.

Slowly, gently. Kisses and licks, Hywel answered.

Laszlo's fingers relaxed in my hair, one soothing down the side of my cheek to cup my jaw. Part of me wanted to pull away, break the lock of our stare, his gaze too intense and tender. But Laszlo had been kind to me, and quiet. And he'd been lonely. I wanted to be perfect for him, to offer him exactly what he wished.

I finished unbuttoning his trousers, the fabric sagging and sliding down his thighs easily, the dense golden fur continuing down his legs. His length was just beginning to thicken, swelling and growing longer as I ran my fingernails down the tops of his thighs and broke the stare briefly to study him. His sac was heavy and thick, bigger than a man's, hanging low and softly covered like his legs. His cock was dark, a purplish red, and I bent my head to kiss its tip as it bobbed up toward my chin.

Laszlo let out a shuddering breath, and a thick pour ofnéktarslithered over my tongue and down my throat. He was as potent as Asterion, but a little less overwhelming. Such an impossible, careful, and gentle man. I flicked my gaze up, fighting my smile at his open-mouthed wonder, and alternated flicks of my tongue with sucking kisses up one side of his cock. My hands soothed circles over his thighs, his tails swinging around his side to bat and pet at me, one coiling loosely around my right arm.

He's rarely selfish,Hywel said.

"You mean," —Laszlo paused to grunt as I helped myself to an overflowing handful of his balls— "you're usually greedy."

He'd returned to combing back the strands of my hair, my braid loosening and blonde wisps floating about my head. I repeated my ministrations on the other side of his cock, resting at his base to suck a mark into the skin until he bucked forward. My hand circled him, his cock kicking in my grip, and I ran the tight circle of my fingers down his length, gathering the fluid at the tip and stroking it back.

Hywel purred in approval as Laszlo groaned and gasped.

"You mentioned guests," I said, catching Laszlo's eye, pleased with how thin the rings of yellow in his eyes now were.

His throat bobbed as he swallowed, and his tongue traced against his bottom lip, staring as I poised myself at the tip of him. When he didn't answer, I froze, arching an eyebrow and waiting as his chest heaved with ragged breaths.

"When others visit…" he started, moaning as my mouth parted and I leaned forward, suckling on his tip, swiping my tongue against the underside. "When others visit, sometimes we come down here together. I…" Laszlo's head fell back as I sucked him deeper into my mouth.

Laz fucks them until their cries wake me. I watch. I lick them clean,Hywel murmured.

I thought of Birsha's house, of all the monsters who came to possess creatures more vulnerable than them. I'd heard from Lillian that there were other houses too, ones that took more care with the humans who resided there. I'd never understood the fascination monsters seemed to have with the weakest race. If I could've traded my human blood for a monster's, I would gladly have. Perhaps then, I wouldn't have been caught by Birsha.

Laszlo's thumb caught under my chin, drawing my face up, sensing my distraction perhaps. I cleared my head and focused on his beauty once more.