Page 166 of Sanctuary with Kings

Laszlo ducked his head. "I only want one thing from you at the moment, dear one."

I smiled and arched up for his kiss, sighing and softening in his embrace.

"I found it,cariad!The Freewheelin'with the missing tracks!" Hywel called. "Itoldyou we should've gotten it when it came out."

Laszlo nipped my lips and then looked up at Hywel with an indulgent smile. "If we'd bought it at the time, you wouldn't have had half as much fun hunting it down later, would you?"

Hywel bent over my shoulder, including himself in our kiss. "True enough, my love. True enough. Where's our little silver wolf?"


I squealed and squirmed out from between the two of them, racing inside to my mate. Conall growled and scooped me up. "Saved the best for last?" he asked.

"Oh, Hywel! I think there are new ones," I called, digging through Conall's locks in search of gray hairs.

"It's only a streak," Conall huffed, wrestling me away, but he eyed his reflection in a nearby mirror and frowned. "It ought to be more than that. I sometimes think yournéktaris keeping me young."

"Maybe," I said. Or maybe the sphinx had managed to grant my request after all. I didn't care, as long as Conall got to grow old and ageless with the rest of us.

Conall blinked and turned back to me, scowling. "What are you doing over there? Get back in my arms, you little rascal."

I dove toward him, and Conall peppered my face with kisses, sighing as he tucked his cheek against my throat, sniffing the mark he'd made there that still shone like a fresh scar.

"Missed you,mo chroí," he whispered.

"Missed you, my mate."

"Laszlo's latest batch of kombucha is dreadful. Tell me you found him something new to obsess over."

"Coffee again, but this time they brew it cold," I answered, shrugging.

"As long as it isn't prone to explosion," Conall sighed. "Hunter texted. He and the others want to surprise Hazel with a visit here for her birthday."

"Oh, yes please!"

"Well, come on, everyone!" Hywel called, waving his latest treasure in the air. "I've waited this whole trip to listen."

"Where did you find it?" Conall asked, greeting Hywel with a kiss.

"An estate sale in Missouri, of all places," Hywel said, pulling the record from its sleeve and eyeing it greedily.

"He's more excited than he was about the moon rock," Asterion whispered to Conall.

The three of us exchanged wide-eyed glances. We didn't have the heart to mention to Hywel howmanymoon rocks existed in the world, and he was still the clumsiest of us when it came to using the internet.

"I like Dylan. In my opinion, this is a better find," Conall answered in a mutter.

I nudged them both to silence, and we trailed along together back to the large room that overlooked what was now merely a reasonably sized lake instead of a sea. On a warm day, we would fly down and go swimming. Hywel collected rare floaties, although I suspected it had less to do with their potential value and more to do with his personal amusement.

Laszlo patiently helped Hywel set up the record player, the pair of them smiling and exchanging small, welcoming touches.

"How was it?" Conall asked me.

"Fun, as usual. This is better, though," I said, curling up against his side.

"Mm. Next time, we'll all go," Conall said.

"Hywel wants to visit Amon."