Page 123 of Sanctuary with Kings

He collapsed as he finished, chest stuttering as he fought for air, eyes wide, cock unflagging and starting to make me ache. I leaned down and crawled up his chest to ease the burn, sighing and sagging against him when the stretch went from painful to reassuring. We rested like that, and I had a feeling—a stiff, thick, long one—that Asterion would need me again before we left this room. For now, we enjoyed our peace together.

"I liked watching them touch you," he murmured.

I sighed. "Good. I like… I'll want you all quite often. Iamvery greedy."

He stirred and then grunted and seemed to realize he was still exhausted. "I won't always want to be last."

I kissed his jaw. "It won't be like that, Asterion. I promise. They'll like to watch you touch me too. As long as that's okay with you."

He hummed, thinking it over. "I won't mind. I thought I would, but…as long as I have you,théa, I will be very happy." He lifted me up a little more, and I whimpered at the tug of him in my swollen sex. We twisted so we were eye to eye, and I couldn't resist kissing his upper lip once more. "You make me very happy, Evanthia. I intend to do the same for you."

I smiled at him and gave him another kiss as his eyes crossed to watch. "You will. You can start now," I said, and I waggled my eyebrows before adding, "With your tongue."



The first morning I woke with all four of my men in bed with me ought to have been a very slow, languid, and most likely profane treat. Instead, it started by opening my eyes to find Rolant at the foot of the bed, staring at us all.

I screeched, bolting upright, before diving back under the covers. Asterion, whose cock had been nestled between my thighs, leapt from the edge of the bed, erect length swinging like a weapon. From the other end of the bed, Hywel jumped out too, less obviously aroused and significantly less surprised than the rest of us.

"Get out," he said with a sigh.

"I came to say goodbye. You all took entirely too long to rise," Rolant said, eyeing Asterion with a bored quality I found both relieving and a little offensive. There wasnothingunremarkable about Asterion's…anything.

"It's barely morning. It might've waited," Conall grumbled, rolling toward me as Laszlo slid from the bed. He gathered me close in his arms, not bothering to lift his head from the pillow.

"I want to reach home before nightfall," Rolant said, shrugging.

"And you wanted to take one last chance to annoy Hywel," I said.

Rolant blinked at me, his stare cool and superior as ever, but I thought he might've been laughing with me in private. Asterion sat back down on the edge of the bed, an arm crossing over my hip and blocking Rolant's stare.

"We'll escort you down," Laszlo said, rifling through piles of discarded fabric to retrieve robes for himself and Hywel.

"To make sure you don't accidentally place any of my hoard in your bags on your way out," Hywel said drily.

I squirmed out of the circle of Conall's arms, clutching the sheet around my breasts as I sat up. "Goodbye, Rolant. It was…not unpleasant to meet you," I teased.

He broke out in a laugh, striding toward the door. "You weren't an utter disappointment yourself, divinity."

Laszlo and Hywel followed close on his heels, shooing the other dragon from the room. Hywel paused in the doorway, glancing back at us. "Stay in bed. We'll bring up breakfast."

I nodded and fell back into Conall's embrace, and he and Asterion sighed as the door shut.

"Move over," Asterion said.

Conall huffed, tightened his arms around me, and rolled once more, taking me with him as I yelped in surprise.

"Conall," Asterion growled.

I laughed as Conall pressed me down in the bed, burrowing his face into my throat. The bedsheet waggled with the thump of his tail, and he squirmed on top of me, making room for himself between my legs.

"You had her to yourself all night," Conall said as Asterion scooted closer on the bed, tugging at the twisted sheets.

"She was between us! So did you!"

"Your hands were on her best spots!"