Page 37 of Games with the Orc

"Do you give up?" I asked.

"No," Sunny snapped immediately.

I tucked my grin behind my hand and glanced down at the board again. She'd picked up the rules of Ram'kurr—a traditional orcish game that I'd been told was a cross between human's chess and euchre—within a few rounds. She did well, for a human woman who'd been playing for less than two hours, but she was no match for—

"Aha!" she cried, scooping up two of her speckled tokens, scooting one of my solids, and then stealing away a speckled one of my own.

It was my turn now to frown at the board. Surely she'd broken a rule...made some novice mistake to…

No. No, Sunny had simply bested me.

"Do you give up?" she cooed in a teasing, saccharine tone.

"An orc never surrenders to the enemy," I said.

Ram'kurr amongst orcs generally ended in a physical fight, or with the loser refusing to admit defeat and the game being set aside until someone else bothered to clear it up and put it away for the next time.

Sunny hummed, smirking like the devilish little champion she apparently was, and nestled into the heap of pillows at her back, carrying her bowl of nuts with her.

Beginner's luck, I thought but refused to speak out loud.

A small, pale foot perched itself on my right knee, toes wiggling in greeting. "Well, while you search futilely for your next move, how about a foot massage?"

I growled softly, but with a glance out of the corner of my eyes, I saw that the sound didn't deter Sunny's glee in the least. Her cheeks were flushed, a sweeter pink than the one I drew out when I was fucking her breathless, and her bottom lip was caught between her teeth, trapped in her grin. The green velvet had slid aside, offering me the view of Sunny's wonderfully biteable thigh nearly up to her hip.

I snatched the foot into my grip and pulled, tugging Sunny out of her throne of pillows and onto her back with a yelp of surprise. She glared at me through rumpled golden hair, and the robe slipped yet again to reveal one breast. With my claws retracted, I dug my thumbs into the arch of her foot and smirked as Sunny's annoyance melted into approval, her body squirming closer as I circled my thumbs into weary and tight muscles.

We were meant to be back at the cottage by now. I'd originally planned on satisfying the curiosity Sunny had for being restrained and paddled—a scenario from her notes that I thought would be especially appealing in front of the large mirrors in the dungeon.

"God, that's so nice," Sunny murmured, toes curling and another sexual moan rising from her throat.

I could see her pussy now under the shadow of the robe, red and tender. I could smell her arousal too, tart and sweet and tempting. But Sunny had soft, red scratches on her skin from my claws, and delicate bruises too. There were shadows under her eyes, and after she'd finished draining my balls dry with her mouth this morning, she'd drunk two full glasses of water in a row, not having realized how parched she'd become. Her body was rightfully tired, and while she'd paid for this experience, this stretching of her limits, the strain of being under command, I couldn't resist this backwards selfishness.

Sunny needed care, and I was making that my only goal for our day. I'd been feeding her since we woke, making sure there was always a tempting snack close at hand. Once this massage was done, I would carry her into another bath full of salts to soothe her muscles, plus oats and milk and herbs to heal her skin. We would nap in the dark of the den, take dinner by candlelight, and I would carry her back to the cottage under the moonlight.

"Khell," Sunny breathed, nudging me with her other foot. "What time is it?"

"I don't know," I lied.

We only have one more day, I thought. She will leave me tomorrow night.

Sunny hummed as I pulled and rubbed at her toes before switching to her other foot. She started up her moaning again and I huffed, forcing my stare up to the ceiling of the den rather than the sensual woman in front of me.

"Are you bored, petal?" Was she wondering why I hadn't proposed our next game? The ones we were meant to be playing.

"Nooo," Sunny said, drawing the word out, her head shaking. "You're…you're making me rest, aren't you?"

"Yes. You need it."

I braced myself for her argument, my frown growing deeper as I found a scratch on one of her ankles, probably from running through the woods the day before.

"I do," Sunny said on a sigh. She swept her hair back from her face and smiled at me. "Thank you, Khell."

I grunted, attempting to dismiss her gratitude, but even I knew it was useless. Sunny's skin was soft and cool in my hands, warming under my touch. My lungs were full of her scent, fresh and bright and sharp, and she was still rich on my tongue. My gaze tracked every rise and fall of her chest, the flutter of her lashes as she blinked. My ears muted the rest of the world to study her breaths, her heartbeat.

"You're so good at this," she whispered.

My hands were working their way up to her calves, an ankle in each grip. "We take anatomy classes when we join MSA. And physical therapy. Nutrition." Sexual therapy classes too. And MSA specific courses on safety and etiquette with our partners. I wasn't supposed to break the illusion by discussing any of it with Sunny, but I'd already accepted that I'd broken the usual boundaries with this woman. I'd never craved a client before. I'd never been so protective of one, either.