Sunny's lips were parted, her eyes growing wide for a moment. I wanted to take her throat in my grip and draw that mouth to mine, lick her whimpers onto my tongue and twist her in my lap till my cock was buried deep and my stav swelled until it couldn't move. Which was not how our evening was meant to go. Sunny was not my lover or my mate, she was my client.
Those full brown eyes winced and she turned away, and I dropped my hands from her to prevent myself from yanking her focus back to me. Sunny was dangerous—she made me want to erase every line between us. Cutting through the ease of the moment was clumsy, but necessary.
"Of course," she said, words winded.
I checked my watch for the hundredth time as I left the freshly cleaned and reset basement, my steps stalling.
Vitals: sleeping.
At last. I'd been working aimlessly for two hours after buckling Sunny back into the bed cuff, waiting for her to fall asleep. It should've happened quickly, but instead the readings from her cuff only gave intermittent indications of stress. My comment at dinner had effectively undone the work I'd put in since the basement. Leaving her alone in the bed furthered the stress.
"Aren't you going to join me?" she'd asked, but she hadn't raised her eyes from my hands on her ankle. She'd wanted to be fucked again. Impressive and tempting. I could've dragged her to the edge of the bed, hooked one ankle onto my shoulder, and fucked her through a few orgasms right into my own finish. I could've climbed onto the bed, straddled her, and jerked myself onto her bare chest, offering her nothing but denial and my release. I could've thrown her onto her stomach, lain myself on top of her, and stayed buried through the night, having my own pleasure—and her's—every time the clasp and heat of her cunt became too seductive to resist.
Instead, I'd left her there to sleep. Which she hadn't done for two hours. I'd nearly abandoned my own schedule several times when her heart rate spiked.
This is better, I reasoned. She shouldn't have her way through all five days. The stress will make tonight's torture sweeter.
I hurried up the stairs now, treading as lightly as I could, uncertain yet how light a sleeper Sunny was. I would know soon enough. The cottage was dark and quiet, a few candles left burning from dinner which I blew out now. Sunny's vitals approximated she'd been sleeping for a little over twenty minutes, which was just enough time to be truly disruptive.
She was curled up on her side under the blankets, her short blonde hair swept over her face, one hand fisted up by her nose. I considered her position versus my own goals. She wanted to be seduced while sleeping. It was higher up on her requests, so it would be best not to wake her by pulling her onto her back. I would start slowly, cautiously, in case an instinctive alarm outweighed her arousal. I shucked off my shorts and left them on the floor, my cock perking up in relief after so much time denied its chosen target. I'd enjoyed Sunny's appreciative stares on my form in these pants, which gave them a new purpose, but in truth they were simply tight and constraining enough to keep my cock in line when it wanted to be inside of this woman.
I lifted the covers, charmed by the sight of her rounded ass peeking out from the shadows, the folds of her soft waist, creased from lying on her side. She remained breathing softly and deeply as I slid into the bed behind her, my weight on the mattress shifting her easily in my direction. I held my breath in, my groan restrained as her ass lined itself up perfectly against my cock. I reached between us, squeezing and pumping my own length, drawing fluid to my tip and waiting to see if Sunny awoke.
She was well suited to this act because she remained asleep, even as I tucked the head of my cock between her thighs, stroking myself with slow thrusts against her warm pussy. I cupped her hip, tracing the rise and valley of her thighs to her waist, and then back again. Her breath was growing a little uneven, but her pulse was steady. If she was awake, she was very good at faking and not at all disturbed by my presence. I scooted closer, my chest against her back, and took the risk of jostling her to wrap my other arm beneath her cheek, my left hand rising to cover her mouth.
Sunny was growing wet, the pump and slide of my shallow thrusts between her thighs easing—a pleasant clasp of her body around me, even if it wasn't the hot and silky hollow I wanted to burrow inside of. My claws were distending, creating gentle dimples on her hip and cheek. I wanted inside of her, I wanted to roll her down to her belly or up onto my cock to ride me. She needed to wake first.
I pulled my hips back, and the head of my cock found its way to her opening as if it had already eagerly memorized the spot. I pushed in and grinned at Sunny's moan vibrating against my hand. With my size and height, I was easily wrapped around her, able to watch her eye lashes flutter open, eyes widening as she tried to see into the dark of the room. I clasped my hand tighter over her mouth, waiting to see her response. Startled or excited?
I should've known.
Sunny whined and arched in my arms, pushing herself back onto my cock, inching me inside of her. Her eyes fell shut again, body leaning into my chest. Surrendering, as usual. Could I ever even coax her to fight? The idea of Sunny red with exertion and sweat, frustration, wrestling beneath me—she would giggle, I was certain of it, incapable of hiding her own enjoyment—caused the first pump of my stav. I slid my hand on her hip down to her pussy and then thrust roughly forward, burying myself to the hilt, Sunny's cry muffled behind my fingers.
"I'm going to fuck you right out of your sanity tonight, little one," I rasped in her ear.
Sunny's arm reached back, digging into my shoulder, anchoring herself as I slammed myself in and out of her with messy slaps of skin, her wet sounds behind my hand, my fingers pressing down on her clit but not stimulating.
"I'm going to have you so many times, you won't know what's waking and dreaming tomorrow. I'm going to take my fantasies out on you tonight."
Sunny howled, louder now that she was being muted, or perhaps still waking. I would have her screaming by the week's end, trying to share her pleasure with the whole world. I shoved my index and middle finger into her mouth, and she sucked on them eagerly, trying to ride me from her reclined position.
I shifted, scooping her up and settling on my back, Sunny spread on top of me like a hedonistic, squirming blanket. I pushed her up to seated, and she rose with a gasp and an eager pace, bouncing on my length. Let her ride me while she had the strength, I would still make use of her when she was limp and delirious before the morning.
Khell'ar's hands in my hair, his cock stuffed between my lips, hips thrusting gently, a purr of approval from above me as I suckled until my mouth was numb and my jaw was sore.
The easy way he tossed me from hanging my head over the foot of the bed for his taking, to face down in the pillows, my hips hiked up around his, that endlessly rigid length of his burrowing back inside my over-sensitive—but never too sore—core.
Falling asleep with his mouth on mine, waking again with it on my sex, his tusks firm and holding my lips spread for his tongue's greedy searching, slurping, and feasting upon me until I was whining with a reluctantly wrung out orgasm.
My hands shackled to the bar at the center of the headboard as Khell'ar fucked me so hard, the whole bed rattled and shook, my bones jangling in my body with every thrust.
Another massage, with one hand in and on my sex, the other tending tired muscles. Khell'ar's touch pulling me in and out of consciousness with fluttering and gentle climaxes.
"No more," I whispered weakly as a hand stroked up my back. I squirmed away from the touch, searching for a pillow to burrow under, and came up empty, my eyes opening with heavy effort as a pair of arms dragged me up off the mattress.