Page 13 of Games with the Orc

What we'd done was just foreplay, overwhelming and thorough. I wanted more.

I licked my lips again, searching for the last traces of his flavor, and then gave my orc an order. "Fuck me, master."



My snarl was loud in the quiet that followed the young woman's words. My cock ached, the stav pulsing in the shaft of my cock thrusting emptily and wasting my seed on Sonya's breasts.

My next task was meant to be nurturing, to check in with her and soothe the muscles I'd abused in the act. Her lips were wet from the little licks she'd been using to gather my taste, and on the floor, the toy used to prep her was glistening.

The altar and oil was waiting. I was in charge of our scene. She was new, needed to be eased—

"Please," she gasped, leaning forward and rubbing her breasts against my leg. "Please, fuck me."

My left hand stole the chains up in a firm grip as I bent and whipped my free arm around her ribs, dragging her up from the platform as I pulled the chains at the same time.

She gasped, but her legs bracketed me, clenching on my waist as if she were afraid I might drop her…or deny her. I did neither, fumbling only as long as it took to line her up at the head of my cock, then thrusting myself inside of her.

The stretcher had done the work of preparing her for me, but my little pet still let out a high cry as I filled her, her head falling back and exposing her throat to my gaze, long and elegant and thrumming with a nervous pulse.

"Hold onto your master," I rumbled. "I plan on using that sweet cunt to completion."

Her arms were weak from the lack of blood flow, the chains cold as she draped her limbs over my shoulder. I moved my hands to her thighs, pulling them away from me, letting her feel for a moment just how vulnerable she was in my grip. She didn't have the strength in her arms to push me away, and I had her by the backs of her thighs near her knees. I lifted her up, my stav pumping furiously, and watched her eyes widen as gravity dropped her back down my length, helpless.

"Oh god, yes." She sighed, her stomach flexing as she tried to ride me, and she moaned as my stav stroked inside of her, fast and urgent, uneven with my slow and deep thrusts.

She was lovely heat and soft flesh and the sweetest voice begging.

"More, master. Please, master. Harder, master."

I should've pulled her off my length and taken her mouth again, taught her not to make demands in a game where I was meant to be conquering her. But her desire was sweet in my ear, and it was…refreshing not to be the villain. Most of my female clients wanted to fight, to resist, to be forced into their surrender. This little human wanted the latter, to be fucked, to be used, but she couldn't hide her own pleasure and eagerness, didn't even bother trying.

"Fuck, your cock," she gasped, falling suddenly forward, pressing her forehead to my jaw and breathing deeply, arms twining closed, chains clinking together. "God, it feels so good."

I growled in her ear, her new position easier to manipulate, my hands slamming her up and down my cock, giving into those pleas she'd issued. Harder, faster, chains rattling and skin slapping, until my stav and thrusts were at the same pace in opposite directions, the friction wild and addictive, even for me.

Dull crescent nails dug into the dense skin on my shoulder as Sonya let out a high, thin whine of steady delight, limp and pliable in arms, breaths hiccuping with every collide of our hips. My stav was growing thicker, swelling in its stiff sleeve, and Sonya's breath was hot and damp on my shoulder, her tongue flicking out to taste me.

"Filled or showered in cum, little pet?" I rasped out, although if I had my way she would be both before the end of the day.

"Yes," she gasped out, nails digging in deeper, hips twitching as if to meet me.

I chuckled in spite of myself, a thrumming purr rising up from my chest. Orc bait.

As pretty as this little golden human would look dripping in my seed, I couldn't leave the sanctuary of her cunt so soon, not when it sucked and begged around my swelling stav, clinging to my length and weeping its pleasure down to my sac.

"Oh god, I'm going to come again," she gasped in warning, as if only just realizing that her core was licking and fluttering around me.

"Yes, little pet, your cunt wants to please its master. Come for me and suckle my cock just like your mouth did," I snarled into her ear, grinning into the dark as she trembled and tensed in my arms. My claws were leaving pinprick bruises on the soft flesh of her thighs as I tossed her up and down my cock.

She drew her own orgasm out at my words, clamping down around me and burying her wet cry against my shoulder. Her cunt tightened around my stav, and the pressure of pleasure exploded with a bellow of relief, my cock pumping into her, silky heat rewarded with a flood of release until it seeped out again, leaking around my base and coating her inner thighs. I wrapped an arm around her hips, pulling her firmly against me as she shook, and I groaned into her fine, silky hair, a surprising amount of tension bleeding out of me with my release.

The woman in my arms sighed, head drooping down to my shoulders.

"God, that was good. Thank you," she said, voice soft and relaxed.

I hummed and patted the hip my arm was holding. "We're not done yet, pet," I said, surprising myself. We could be done, at least for a rest and a bit of aftercare, but now that I'd had her once, I wanted her again. And this was our game, wasn't it? I would use her at my whim, never mind that she could call a halt to our act at any moment.