Warf wasn't certain he had the energy to look at still more samples of fabric and whatever else, but the excited look on Marian's face made it impossible to do anything but agree.
He headed on to the study while Marian headed off to the kitchen, where it wasn't hard to spot the enormous books that proved to be fabric swatches, wood stain samples, rug samples… Other books contained detailed images of the furniture options, so many choices the whole thing left him vaguely dizzy.
How in the world was he supposed to choose?
Well, he certainly wouldn't struggle picking out a bed.There was no denying he was excited about a bed that would be made to his size.He could sleep sprawled out, instead of scrunched up or with limbs dangling.Bedclothes to size too…
Forget gold and jewels: real wealth was sleeping comfortably in a proper bed.
The only thing better would be to not sleep alone, and while he certainly didn't mind the images that flitted like whispers through his mind, it was a bit early to be thinking on such things.Even if their marriage did progress in such fashion, Marian might very well prefer to go back to his own bed when matters concluded.
Warf put his mind back on fabric swatches before he lingered too long on thoughts he shouldn't.
The door opened a few minutes later, and Marian strode in bearing a large, heavily-laden tray.He'd also discarded his jacket, leaving him in only rolled-up shirt sleeves, even his hair twisted up into a loose knot."I was hijacked into assisting the kitchens, but I've come with some excellent offerings.See anything you like?"
Plenty, but Warf didn't say that, simply tore his eyes away from Marian and said, "There's so much here, and I don't know what's sensible, what's flashy… or anything else really."
"The merchants I work with wouldn't waste my time with flash."Marian set the tray down, poured them cups of beer, and handed one cup off as he sat next to Warf and pulled one of the sample books into his own lap."I think warm tones would suit you—autumn greens, russets and ambers… accents of brown and gold."
"That sounds nice," Warf replied."I honestly hadn't gotten farther than 'something green.'"
"Splendid!"Marian set his beer aside and pulled more of the books close, flipping pages rapidly, muttering to himself as he went to fetch pen and paper, returning quickly and setting to work again."What do you think of these?"he asked, laying out fabrics that were various shades of green, red, and orangey-yellow."
"Looks like harvest season, I like it," Warf said.He retrieved the book of wood stain samples and flipped through them until he found the one that had stood out, a deep gold stain with the faintest red undertone."What about this for the furniture, then?"
Marian clapped his hands together in that charming way of his."Yes!You have a great eye.I'll write everything up tonight and send it off tomorrow morning, straight away."
Warf laughed."There's no rush."
"Maybe not, but if we're able to start immediately, all to the better.You should be properly settled in by the time we marry."His cheeks flushed."I mean, if we marry.I'm not trying to assume you'll still feel like—"
"I'm not going anywhere," Warf replied."Now that you've worked out my bedroom, shall we eat and then you can come up with ideas for my sitting room?"
Instead of laughing, Marian looked suddenly tense and ashamed."I'm sorry, I didn't mean to takeover and run roughshod—"
Warf captured his flailing hands."I was teasing.I've already said numerous times this is all over my head.I'm grateful for the help.Now stop creating problems and eat, my lord.You've barely eaten anything since breakfast, and missing meals isn't healthy.Believe me, I know."
Marian laughed sheepishly."I have a bad habit of forgetting to eat when I'm nervous."
That gave Warf pause."What in the world are you nervous about?Has that ex-lover—"
"No, no, I haven't heard from her all day.I think you drove them off for good, thank the Fates.No, I'm nervous because I'm trying very hard to impress you, silly."
Warf huffed and shook his head, then rested his hand on top of Marian's head."You don't need to impress me.Believe me, I'm already impressed.I'd much rather you eat."
Marian smiled, a sweet, strange smile that made Warf's stomach flip in a way he hadn't felt for a very long time.As he slid his hand away, Marian shifted on the couch, bracing a hand on Warf's chest bold as you pleasure and rising up on his knees to press a quick, soft kiss to his mouth.
It tingled on Warf's lips and bloomed like warmth in his chest, and he couldn't resist reached up to gently cup the side of Marian's face, which somehow led to a much deeper, longer kiss.
"You're good at that," Marian said, voice soft as he finally drew back.
Warf gave a snorting laugh as he reluctantly withdrew further."Everyone is scared of me right up until they need an itch scratched.I've had some practice.I hope that's not off putting."
"I don't see any of your former lovers assaulting my staff and breaking my expensive decorations," Marian replied."I think it would be bold of me to be offended that people had the sense to find you attractive."He sighed and retrieved the books that had fallen when he'd shifted."Back to work—"
"Back todinner," Warf said.
Marian laughed."Back to dinner, then back to work, and maybe in reward my fiancé will give me another kiss."