Page 33 of Quest of Fools

Unfortunately, Warf had seen it time and again.Someone decided they hated their life, saw an opportunity to abandon it and start over, and their so-called loved ones woke up the next day to find them gone, often with money and important goods taken, leaving them baffled and hurt.It happened most, in his experience, to people with children, as though the family they'd chosen to have suddenly became too much of a burden.

Warf wanted to punch every last one of them in the face.No doubt some had good reason, but he was hard pressed to think of a reason good enough to warrant abandoning children like that.

They'd woken up to another frost, which was especially bad for the children, but thankfully it had warmed up since then, though there was still a bit of a chill in the air.He really hoped they made it to Clarkson's manor before the snow hit.

The sun was high in the sky, only just starting to sink past the peak of midday, when Viletti called them to a halt."I'm going to see what that farmhouse can offer us.Warf, stay here with Alliana and the children.Kaltin, come with me and look especially pathetic."

Kaltin laughed and saluted.Warf moved himself and the others off the road, tucked into a copse of evergreens, where any other travelers or brigands would not immediately spy them.Not that he was terribly worried; he was amazed they'd even crossed paths with Alliana, travelers had been so sparse.

"I never asked why you three are traveling this time of year," Alliana said quietly, getting her son carefully off the horse before swinging down herself."Must be important if you're accompanied by a royal guard.I've only seen them one other time in my life, when they came as far as our village hunting an escaped criminal.I think he'd been convicted of multiple murders, but I was young at the time and didn't pay much attention."

"Long story, but the short of it is that we're going to rescue my betrothed.I was a winner in the Tournament of Charlet, but just days after, my betrothed was kidnapped.Everyone else thinks he ran away, so it's just us three going after him."

Alliana's eyes went as wide as the nearby tree stump."Fates, that's quite the tale.And that's the short version."

"I'll tell the longer version tonight, if you'd like.Er, after the children are asleep."

Alliana laughed.

"So are you going to stay in Merith, do you think?"Warf asked.

"I've no idea, honestly.If my husband is there, I'm definitely going to run his face into a wall.Wish we'd just stayed where we were, but I thought the risk was worth it.Then again, I also thought we had each other, and look where that left me."

"You could always come to the city.Plenty of opportunities there, and I could get you work—good work, not something that will keep you away from your kids and too exhausted to do much with them when you're not working.I did that most of my life so far, and I'd wish the life on no one."

"We'll see, but the offer is appreciated.Right now I just want to be somewhere safe from the coming winter."

"Perhaps you just weren't ambitious enough in your fresh start," Warf said with a wink."I entered the tournament on a hope, but never thought I actually stood a chance.Sometimes the risk pays off—but you're right, you've enough to deal with right now.We'll be certain you have proper lodgings before we carry on to our destination.Won't leave you alone to sleep in an alley or worse."

"I appreciate it.You're very kind.I think this kidnapped lord of yours is lucky to have you, and I hope he knows or soon realizes that."

"He's one of a kind himself, truth be told."Before Warf could say anything further, he spied Kaltin and Viletti returning."Looks like they managed to get us a fourth horse."As Kaltin and Viletti reached them, Warf beamed."Looks you had some success."

"Much success!"Viletti crowed."Horse and tack, foodstuffs, some old blankets for additional bedding,andeven some old clothes for the children.How's that for trade, eh?"

"Wonderful.What did that cost?"

Viletti's grin widened."All they wanted in exchange was my smoked venison, a hunting knife, and the writing supplies we took from the duke's house."

Warf nodded and helped her get everything sorted and packed, the children into the new, warmer clothes.Soon they were on their way again, moving much more quickly with the additional horse, mood improved now food was no longer a concern.

"They said there was a good spot to stop for the night a short distance past those hills, with a creek, plenty of grass for the horses, and an outcropping of rocks that will make a decent shelter.Apparently it gets used frequently by travelers going to and from Merith.

Alliana sniffled."I can't thank you all enough.You have literally saved our lives."

Warf scoffed."No one needs thanking for doing the right thing.We're happy to help.You would do the same for us, I've no doubt of that."

She smiled."I can see why you were a tournament champion, Master Warf."

"He scored extremely high in every challenge.Obviously, of course, but most second place behind him were still a significant difference away," Kaltin replied."Lady Clarkson paid large sums of money to keep close tabs on him as he began to stand out, and it was known he would likely be the one promised to Lord Marian.All the physical ordeals he scored perfect or so close as makes no difference.The… mental ordeals?I suppose they're called, he also took some of the highest scores."

"I sincerely doubt that," Warf said, the back of his neck burning."Even if so, one of them was basic money management, which anyone in Low City can do in their sleep.The other one was just to answer some questions, and I don't think they necessarily had wrong answers."

"You won, so it must all be true," Viletti said."No reason to be modest or invalidate your efforts.You won.Honestly.Not with bribes and favors."

Warf smiled faintly."Yes, I suppose that's true, even if doesn't feel real some days, even now."

Kaltin laughed."It feels more like we're still in the tournament."