Page 32 of Quest of Fools

Warf smiled, and they settled into an easy silence until Viletti returned and talk turned to what they'd be facing in their next few days of travel.There was one more village of decent size, and after that it would be nothing but farmsteads until they reached Lady Clarkson's manor."I'm surprised she lives in such an isolated place.Surely she'd prefer to be closer to a village where she can more easily obtain whatever she wants, whenever she wants it."

Kaltin scoffed."No, nobles like her travel with every last little thing they could ever possibly need, and many things they think they'll need but which wind up languishing forgotten.Whenever we journey to stay at the country manor, it requires two carriages and as many as five carts.The manor has gardens, livestock, and more.Practically its own little village.She didn't take all her staff with her, though, so if she's planning to remain there long term—which seems likely—she'll have to hire people from the nearby village to accompany her."

"Well, stopping there will certainly give us some sort of information about her," Warf said.

"Also hopefully enough supplies to get to the manor and back, since there's no guarantee we'll be able to restock from her stores," Viletti said, ruthlessly practical like always."Food's ready."

They'd just filled their plates and begun to eat when Viletti looked up sharply, eyes snapping to the road just beyond the trees."Do you hear that?"

"Hear what?"Warf asked, only to then hear what she was talking about."Someone is crying."

Viletti set her food aside and grabbed up her sword."Stay here.If I don't return by the time you're done eating, pack up and continue on.I'll catch up or I won't."

Warf gave a playful salute in agreement, but there was no way even the Fates themselves would compel him to simply leave her behind.

Thankfully, it was a non-issue, because Viletti returned just a few minutes later, carrying a small boy with a woman holding a baby right behind her.It was the woman who'd been crying, and clearly whatever had transpired, she was at the end of her strength and just couldn't take one more thing going wrong.

Warf knew the feeling well.He immediately went to her and held his arms out in an offer to take the child, who probably felt a hundred times heavier than normal.The woman stared up—and up—at him, eyes wide."I'm no threat to you, missus.I'm of a size, no mistake, but I got three little girls of my own back home, and they lead me around like queens leading their court."

That made the woman relax and smile faintly, and after another moment, she handed off the baby.

"Come sit, have some food and drink, tell us what's befallen you," Warf said, gently guiding her to the fire, where Viletti had already given her plate to the boy and was making more.

Warf handed his plate to the woman and got a kettle going for tea.

"Thank you," the woman said tearfully."We— It's been—" she gave up and focused on the food, eating it slowly, as though she hadn't eaten properly in a long time and didn't want to upset her stomach.

Nearby, the boy had no such awareness or control, and had already finished his plate and had started on some of the bread and cheese they'd been saving for breakfast.

When the woman had eaten and held a cup of tea, she sighed and said, "We were traveling to Merith, me, my husband, and our family.I woke up two days ago, though, and he was simply gone.Took our horse, nearly all our supplies… I don't know why.I thought… I thought he…" Tears streamed down her face, but she wiped them impatiently away."We've been continuing on because at this point, Merith is closer than where we started, but I can't hunt or anything, we barely had any food, and foraging hasn't brought me much… If you hadn't found us, I don't know what would have become of us.Thank the Fates you were here."

"Thank the fates," Viletti murmured in agreement, scooping up the little boy, who'd fallen asleep mid-bite, and settling him on her bedroll."What's your name?"

"Oh, right, of course.I'm Alliana, the little one there is Pitina, and the boy who just ate everything in sight is Tam.I cannot thank you enough for helping us.I thought I would have to bury my children before following them to the next life."

Kaltin took her hand and squeezed gently."That will not be happening now, so please rest easy.Take my bed, get some rest."

Warf finished cleaning and dressing Pitina, who had stirred and fussed briefly during his ministrations but now was once again fast asleep, cradled in one bent arm.Brought to mind all the times he'd held his daughters the very same, while Karla watched on fondly.

Nearby, Alliana had already fallen asleep, completely oblivious as Viletti fussed with her blankets and made certain she was comfortable.Poor woman had clearly been holding on by a frayed thread.Warf stretched out on his own bedroll, using saddlebags and his knapsack so he was at a slight angle, and settled little Pitina on his chest before wrapping the blankets and his cloak around them."Where will you two sleep?"

Viletti scoffed."I've got my cloak.Me and Kaltin will bundle up together and be fine."

Warf smiled and hummed softly as Pitina shifted restlessly in her sleep, stroking her back gently, until she stilled again.

This little quest to retrieve his betrothed grew stranger and stranger.As strange twists went, though, he could do far worse than making friends with an 'enemy' and helping out a mother and children.

Yawning, he settled more comfortably, made certain little Pitina would not tumble free in the night while he slept, and swiftly fell asleep.


"So why were you traveling to Merith?"Viletti asked.

They'd made breakfast, packed up camp, and settled Alliana and Tam on Warf's horse.Warf carried Patina while he walked.Their traveling was slowed down significantly, but under no circumstances would Warf ever tell Alliana that and make her feel even worse about a situation utterly beyond her control.

Alliana's mouth twisted with bitterness."He said he had a job offer there, working at a vineyard.Would have been good money, and we had enough saved to secure lodgings until we could get a proper house.Merith is bigger, more opportunities for the children than they'd have ever had back in Tooren.More opportunities for all of us.I just don't understand why he'd leave in the middle of the night and leave us with nothing, knowing we'd likely starve to death—if something didn't eat us first."She started to say more, but in the end only remained silent and gave a short, terse shake of her head.

It didn't take much guesswork to know she'd been about to say something likeI thought he loved me.