Page 17 of Quest of Fools

Warf groaned at the words, the kiss turning messy and biting, full body shudders running through him.The hand still on his cock did nothing to cool him down, but he certainly was not as anxious as he'd been just moments ago.

After that, there was very little talking, just grunts and moans and pleas as they tasted and explored each other.At some point, Warf wound up on his back with Marian straddling him bold as you please.Karla had liked that too, but Warf didn't want to dwell on that for once.He wanted to focus on the here and now, on this beautiful, warm and kind man who wanted to marry him despite everything and everyone likely telling him he could and should do better.His Tournament prize, and happy to be so.

"Reach into that basket there, would you?"Marian asked, breath hitching as Warf settled one heavy hand on his thigh.

"Hmm?"Warf looked where he pointed, at a small basket on the bedside table, and dutifully reached into it—and touched a jar that was immediately recognizable, even if it was of much better quality than he'd ever purchased.Most often, Karla had made theirs and kept it an old jar that had once contained hand cream.

He twisted it open easily before handing it over, one hand going to Marian's hip to steady him as he rose up to work himself open.Warf groaned, cock jerking, utterly taken by the sight of Marian preparing himself for Warf's cock.

Eventually, remaining simply an observer was impossible.Warf slicked his own fingers and gently pushed in right alongside the two Marian had worked in, making him jerk and gasp, almost toppled as he grabbed his cock with his free hand to keep from coming."Ngh.Don't, I want to come with you inside me."

Warf chuckled, low and rough."I'd hazard to say there's plenty of time for that."

Marian smiled, though something about it wasn't right, like there was sadness underscoring it.Before Warf could work it out, though, the sadness was gone, and Marian was removing their fingers and lifting up more, taking hold of Warf's cock, and with agonizing slowness, lowering himself down.He groaned loudly enough any passing servants would likely hear it, a mortifying thought to dwell on never.

By the time he was fully seated, they were both sweating and trembling.It had been a very long time since Warf had fucked anyone with a cock, and not since Karla had anyone taken him without struggle and complaint.

"You feel marvelous," Marian said breathlessly, licking his lips."Much better than all my toys."

"You'll have to show them to me sometime anyway," Warf managed, every word an effort."Now move."

Chuckling, smug and delighted, Marian braced himself on Warf's chest and set to work, pulling up slowly and thrusting back down, steadily increasing his pace, sweat dripping from his skin, flying about with his movement, making his hair stick to him in places and stand up strangely in others.He was beautiful.

Wrapping his hands around Marian's hips, Warf helped him move, enjoying the pleased look to Marian's face at the assistance, until they were both reduced to moaning and pleading, gasping each other's names as they finally came apart.

With a long groan, Marian pulled off Warf's cock and then sprawled on top of him."Now this I could get used to, best bed ever."

Warf laughed, resting his hands lightly on Marian's delightful ass.One day, he'd love to put Marian on his knees and plow him thoroughly.For the moment, though, he was more than happy, in fact ecstatic, with the current arrangement.

He'd thought at best he would get along in friendly fashion with his new spouse.He certainly would not have blamed them for seeking a lover or something, though it would have saddened him.Instead, he had a man who seemed to want him—children, rough manners, low upbringing and all.

"I'm glad you won me as your prize," Marian said softly."Whatever my stupid ex says or does, know this is exactly what I want and where I want to be.Don't let her or anyone else convince you otherwise."

"I won't," Warf said, heart speeding up for no good reason, the memory of that underlying sadness returning.Before he could ask, though, Marian kissed him, and it was too easy to focus on that, on keeping Marian happy, convincing him to stay right here where he was safe and happy and truly wanted, than ask questions he didn't know how to phrase and which Marian probably wouldn't answer.

When they drew apart, Marian folded his arms across Warf's chest and rested his head on them."If only I could spend all my rainy days this way.Usually I work or read a book."

Warf laughed."I'm certain you'll still have to do that first one, but I am in no hurry to be kicked out of your—"

Pounding at the door, the work of two sets of impatient little fists."Daddy!Daddy!"Someone, likely Kalla, rattled the door handle."Daddy, you have to come see!"

Warf sighed as Marian climbed off him and sat up with a groan."One moment, darlings.I'll be right there."At least they sounded excited, not upset."Were we expecting something for them today?"

"Not that I'm aware," Marian said as he pulled his clothes back on, tossing Warf's to him as he came across pieces while hunting his own."Shall we return to this later tonight, when the children are abed?"

"I'd like that," Warf replied."I'd like that very much.Especially if it means I get to taste you."

Marian's shivers were visible even from several paces away."Oh, yes, that is definitely going on the schedule."

Dressed again, Warf pulled Marian in for one last kiss, and then finally went and unlocked the door, swinging it open to reveal two impatient glowers, hands on hips."Daddy!You took forever!"Kalla said."What were you doing?"

"Grown up stuff," Warf said with a straight face as Marian choked on a laugh behind him."What did you want to show us?"

"Presents!Lots of them!For all of us!Nurse said they're from the palace!"

The palace?Why would they be getting gifts from the palace?

That was a stupid question though.Rath, obviously, but why would Rath be sending them gifts?He knew full well Warf had been a Tournament champion as well; he hardly needed gifts.He already had more than he'd ever know what to do with.