Page 42 of Hidden Fate

The sound of footsteps approached from behind me. Vlad’s group was heading back, likely for lunch, though Thorn and I had just eaten breakfast.

Sol and Mindy glanced our way and stopped in their tracks. Behind me, Elliott and Eva gasped, and hope flared in my chest.

Were both sets of them soulmates?

When they rushed past Thorn and me with a desperate look in their eyes, I knew without question: my siblings had fated mates.

Thorn took my hand and led me to the house. I almost wanted to stay and watch, but I relented. They deserved time alone with each other. Who knew what would happen when we met Uther?

On that note, Thorn and I headed inside to learn what would happen next.

* * *

The next day,our group drove four hours south of Nashville, Indiana, to Nashville, Tennessee, where Vlad and Errol had decided to meet Uther. It was a large city and a public place where we could monitor our surroundings and ensure no dragon would be flying overhead, watching us or setting a trap. Once we met Uther, we’d tell him to follow us west to Kingston Springs, Tennessee, where Theron, Sol, Mindy, Hydra, Eva, Elliott, Saphira, Brenton, and Tyson were guarding the backup meeting spot.

I’d thought that Eva and Elliott might argue to stay with me, but they were too excited about flying. Elliott was determined to fly so fast that he could go back in time to harass his past self. They also wanted to stay with their mates, even though neither had completed their bond…yet.

Peter was staying at the house with Tia, Belinda, Merlin, and Ryu. We didn’t want him learning who our allies might be and figuring out another way to cause problems, especially since his, my, Eva’s, and Elliott’s faces were splashed on the news everywhere. The new additions to the group had offered to watch him. Tia liked to remind Peter that both his kids were now dragons. She enjoyed his extreme displeasure.

That left Vlad, Cassidy, Errol, Thorn, and me. We’d split up into the two Suburbans. I’d wanted to be part of the meet and greet, but we couldn’t risk someone recognizing me from the news. So Thorn, Cassidy, and I were in a separate Suburban parked beside a Target, where we could watch the whole thing.

Errol and Vlad stood by one of the large red concrete balls outside the store, waiting for Uther. The idea was to get him out of his car, drive by like we were pulling out of the lot, and make sure no one was in his vehicle while he was distracted.

Cassidy was in the driver’s seat with Thorn and me in the middle row. Of the three of us, Uther would be least likely to notice her.

I glanced at the time. It was approaching eight o’clock, and the sun was setting. He should be here any second. I fidgeted in my seat, and Thorn placed a hand on my arm.

“Everything will be fine,” he assured me.

Vlad had parked their rented white Honda Civic nearby. We’d leased it under another name, so if this was a trap, our Suburbans would be safe. If something went sideways, the plan was simple: we’d meet a few miles south, the two of them would jump into a Suburban, and we’d head out. Cassidy and Vlad would use their fated-mate connection to communicate where to go.

A black four-door sedan pulled into the lot a little too quickly. My eyes narrowed in on the driver, and my breath caught. It was Uther, and there was a black Tahoe right behind him.

My heart dropped. I’d hoped this wasn’t a trap. We needed his help. But the presence of a second vehicle couldn’t be a coincidence.


A knot formedin my stomach as my lungs struggled to work. “He’s here, but another car is tailing him.”

I’d hoped I wasn’t wrong about Uther. I’d seen the side of him that didn’t like what Drake was doing, but I also understood that people would do anything to protect their own flesh and blood. I would’ve bet that he would try to warn us. Maybe he had and we’d missed it.

“I’m letting Vlad know.” Cassidy hung her head. “I’d wished this would work out, and now we have to get away.”

“No.” Thorn shook his head. “We keep the plan the same. If they follow us, that’ll give us more people to question—as long as more don’t follow them. Be on the lookout. I’ll call Theron to give them a heads up when we’re heading that way.”

My belly gurgled uncomfortably. “That’s risky.” Everyone I loved was part of our group, and some of us, if not all, could get hurt.

Thorn looked at me and chuckled dryly. “The tables have turned.”

My brows furrowed. “What?” As far as I knew, we were in the same situation, one we’d attempted to prepare for.

“Normally, it’s you trying to convince me to take a risk.” He turned back to keep watch over the situation. “That’s all.”

I crossed my arms, too scared to take my attention away from Uther and the trailing vehicle. I doubted they would take a stand here, but the warriors could have guns. I forced myself to breathe. “Do you care to elaborate?”

“I was just getting ready to.” He chuckled again, but the sound was tense. “We have no leads on Drake. No idea what his next move will be. All we have are vague ideas. That’s why we risked coming here, and that shouldn’t change now. They don’t know our numbers, and this is the smallest group they’ll send to remain incognito so we don’t see the trap coming.”

That was a good point, but there could be more vehicles nearby. If Uther left for our secondary location, we’d get a good idea of numbers by following him to see if anyone pulled in behind him. Worst case, we could abort the plan and find an opportunity for Vlad and Errol to get away.