After Edna talked to the thunder and they all agreed, she and Theron reached out to other thunders in their network. Though it was less than ideal, we were looking for places farther from Asheville so we’d be centrally located for the thunders that wanted to bring their injured there for Thorn to heal.
The plan was in place—we were doing this tonight. The sooner, the better, so it would be more believable that Edna was kicking us out for bringing the warriors here. Arrow had discussed the plan with the nine warriors so they’d all play along, but we didn’t inform anyone else since we needed the others to react accordingly.
We were all eating dinner—a quick, simple meal of hamburgers, steaks, and veggies that was easy to pick up, but nothing out of the ordinary for us—when there was a pounding on the front door. Mindy, Elliott, Cassidy, Vlad, Eva, Sol, Reece, Chandra, and Kari were crammed around the table with the extra chairs we’d added.
Five of the new warriors, plus Errol, Theron, Hydra, Belinda, Tia, Merlin, and Ryu, had gone outside to eat on the front porch, and Arrow, Echo, Sydney, Fury, Rex, Saphira, Tyson, Brenton, and Peter were sitting on the couch. Thorn and I sat on the ottoman facing the door, trying to appear relaxed, but it was so damn hard. We had a plan, but I worried something would go wrong. Somethingalwayswent wrong.
Another knock sounded, and Peter’s eyes widened, either from fear or hope. I doubted he’d be upset if Drake found us and came swooping in. That was why he needed to go.
“Edna, what did you expect us to do?” Theron asked more loudly than necessary so Peter could hear everything, too. Thorn set his plate of food down just as the door opened.
Edna’s face was pink, her hands clenched at her sides. “It wasonething when it was just you all. I still wasn’t thrilled with that, remember? You had your bags packed to leave. But now you’ve brought Drake’s warriors here as well? There’s only so much risk I’m willing to take!”
I placed my empty plate on the floor, and Thorn and I stood, needing to appear concerned and on edge.
Following our lead, Arrow placed his plate on the couch where he’d been sitting. He’d picked the side of the couch closest to the door and quickly pivoted around it to stand before Edna. He lifted his hands in surrender. “We aren’t Drake’s warriors. We turned against him when he killed the king—after the king decreed he wasn’t the true heir to the throne.”
“You’re smart, but that doesn’t change things.” Edna karate-chopped the air. “The more of you here, the more mouths I have to feed and the greater the worry that you’ll be spotted. I have my own thunder to think of. You all need to leave. I’m sorry, but Tia, Belinda, Merlin, Ryu, and Mindy are the only ones who can stay.”
Chairs scraped against the floor in the kitchen. Then footsteps hurried toward us.
Vlad marched in. “Edna, look. We should’ve talked to you about it. We’re sorry. You’re right, that was inconsiderate. But there was a tip on Dragonnet about them, and they’d protected us at Theron’s thunder when Drake and his warriors had been ready to capture us. We owed it to them to help.”
“That’s fine.” Edna spread out her arms. “I’m all for acts of kindness. That’s why I’ve let you stay here for as long as you have. But even kindness has a limit, and mine has been reached. You need to pack up and leave,tonight.”
“Mom, you can’t be serious.” Mindy pushed past Vlad and hurried into the living room. Her eyes were wide, and her mouth trembled. “You want to split me up from myfated mate. This has to be a sick joke. These people are part of ourfamilynow.”
Edna flinched, her face twisting in agony. “I’m sorry, honey. Elliott can stay, too.”
My stomach dropped.We should’ve told those two.
Brushing his arm against mine, Thorn responded,They’ll understand later. Their reaction is genuine.
He was right, but seeing the hurt and anger on my brother’s and his fated mate’s faces tugged at me. I knew how I’d be feeling if this were happening to Thorn and me.
“Can you give us one more night to get our things together?” Thorn clasped his hands in front of his chest. “I understand you don’t want us here, but just give us a night’s rest, and we’ll leave first thing in the morning.”
“That’s the right thing to do, Edna.” Tiatsked from the front porch.
I didn’t need to see the older lady to know she had a disapproving look on her face. That was one thing I loved about her. She didn’t have a problem speaking her mind, similar to Elliott and Saphira. The only difference was she was old enough to use her age as an excuse, though weallknew better.
“Fine.” Edna’s jaw clenched. “But that’s it. At dawn, you must go. No do-overs this time. And until then, you need to stay in the house unless it’s to load your vehicles. I mean it.”
Mindy stomped, then winced like she’d done it too forcefully and hurt her back. Her voice was laced with pain as she rasped, “I’m going with them. I can’t ask Elliott to leave his sisters and father behind when people arehuntingthem.”
“Babe, it’d be safer if you stayed—” Elliott started.
Mindy spun on her heels, her pupils slitting as she waved a finger in his face and sneered, “Donotfinish that sentence. I may have a bad back, but I’ll find a way to kick your ass if you do. There is no way we’re splitting up. It’s you and me together, just like your sister and Thorn. Got it?”
He winked. “I may need you to take me to any room that will give us some privacy so you can show meexactlywhat you’d do to me, but you know, in a more fun way that results in us—”
“Nope,” Eva said, uncharacteristically forcibly. “I’m stopping you right there. You’re mytwin, and there are some things Ineverwant to hear.”
“And I’m Mindy’s mom.” Edna leveled a dark gaze at him. “I know what fated mates do, and we don’t need any visuals.”
Peter huffed and rolled his eyes, unhappy with this situation. Frankly, I didn’t care. I was glad he was the one on the short end of things, for once.
“Dawn. That’s it,” Edna said and hugged Mindy. “And you do what you have to do. I understand.” She headed to her car.