Page 11 of Marked Dragon

She huffed. “Well, you did a piss-poor job.”

“I got kidnapped on the way here, and things took on a life of their own.” I didn’t want to tell her too much and risk her becoming more of a target. “As soon as I learned Drake had you, I came here. You know that.”

She rubbed her arms. “Maybe it was a ploy. I mean, how can I trust you? You’re one ofthem.”

I pressed my fingers to my temples to ease some of the agony from my head, especially since my heart was taking a beating. “How can you ask that? I’myour sister and will always look out for your best interests.”

Eva rocked back on her feet. “I…I know that. I just need time to think. My life has completely changed in the past several hours, and I’m…”

“It’s okay,” I murmured. She was processing the situation, and I needed to be understanding. Eva had seen me in dragon form. That was a lot to take in. “Look, I’m going to take a shower.” I didn’t want to wash Thorn’s scent off me, but my headache was getting worse. If I didn’t do something to get my migraine to recede, I wouldn’t be able to sleep or think clearly.

“You’re going to leave me?” She hurried a few steps toward me.

“Of course not.” I gestured to the door on my left. “The bathroom is right there. I’ll leave the door unlocked. If you get too uncomfortable, you can join me in there.”

She sat on the bench and nodded. “Just hurry. Please.”

“Promise.” I forced a smile and rushed into the bathroom.

I shut the door, wanting privacy as the acid swirled harder within. I kicked off my sneakers and set my feet on the cool, dark gray tiles. There were his-and-hers sinks to the right, with dark cherry wood cabinets and a white marble top. Next to the sinks was a huge white tub, and between the tub and the toilet was a stall lined with white subway tiles and a huge shower head.

I scurried to the shower and turned on the water. A cutout cradled a bar of soap and bottles of shampoo and conditioner. A small linen closet contained towels and two white robes. I snatched a towel and threw it over the glass of the shower stall as the water warmed.

I laid my head against the glass to get the throbbing under control. I closed my eyes, and Eva’s traumatized face popped into my mind. I had to do something before Drake decided it was time she took on the role of his breeder.

The acid in my stomach lurched up my throat, and I rushed to the toilet and vomited.

The world crashed down on me, and I dry heaved, letting the agony take over. I had to be strong around Eva, so this was my chance to have a moment of weakness.

Ev,Thorn connected.What’s going on? You’re in so much damn pain.

I was, and there was no reason to lie to him. He could feel my turmoil through our bond.Eva is petrified. She didn’t want me to touch her. I’m sleeping in the room Drake assigned to her and not in the room he’s classifying as ours.The last word had me heaving again.

Thorn didn’t immediately respond, and I realized what I’d said. I hadn’t wanted to tell him about the wedding until tomorrow.

White-hot anger thrummed into the bond. He asked slowly,What do you mean ‘the room he’s classifying as ours’? If you’re his breeder…His dragon bellowed.Is he planning tomarryyou?

Thorn, I need you to stay calm,I replied and rested my head on the toilet seat. I was beyond caring whose butt might have been on it.This is why I need you to work with your parents and Saphira. Since I’m not human anymore, he took Eva as his breeder, and he plans to make me his wife. I need you to save Eva and me.

Were you going to tell me?he asked as our bond constricted from his pain.

I just kept hurting him.Of course. First thing in the morning. I wanted to make sure you had calmed down.

Calmed down?he parroted.I will not calm down until you’re here beside me where you belong, and knowing you’re keeping things from me is making this a lot more difficult.

My dragon whimpered. He was right. I needed to be honest with him. How else could I expect him to trust me?I’m sorry. I wasn’t trying to be deceitful. I just had a lot going on, and I was petrified that you would come here, now that it’s clear that Drake has no intention of letting you live.I didn’t know how to do it, but I tried to push my regret and love toward him.I swear, from here on out, I’ll tell you everything. Even if I fear you’ll do something I won’t like.

His hurt ebbed and was replaced with the warmth of his love, easing some of the sickness in my stomach. He replied,Thank you. I love you, and I promise I’ll get you and Eva out of there. When is the—He broke off, unable to say the word.

He didn’t have to. I understood the question.I don’t know. I meet with him and the king in a few hours.

Okay, let me know, immediately.

Are you safe?I held my breath.

We’re all at the cabin. Vlad is on the couch, and Cassidy is asleep in our bed. Saphira opted for the room you were in originally.

They’d made it. My stomach settled, and I lifted my head.Why didn’t your parents sleep together?