Page 81 of Marked Dragon

“When do we try?” Tyson lifted his chin and focused on my mate.

“Whenever you want?” Thorn swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing. “Now, tomorrow, a week from today.”

“Now.” Tyson took an eager step forward. “If youcanheal me, I want time to train with Vlad and the others. I need to be as strong and healthy as possible to hold my own if something happens.”

Thorn stiffened but nodded. “Remember, you might turn human.”

“It’s a risk worth taking.” Tyson surveyed the area. “Where do you want me?”

“Wait.” Elliott bounced on his feet. “Do we need candles or to chant something to help with the magic?”

“What?” Thorn stared at him as if he had two heads.

Sometimes, I wondered about my brother. “He’s not hosting a seance. He’s tapping into the magic he has naturally. There’s no need for blood or sacrifices.” Wait. I didn’t actually know that for sure. When he’d changed me, I’d been bleeding, and when he took the warriors’ dragons, the people had been left human.Or do we need a sacrifice?

Thorn sighed.Technically, pulling the essence from the air means a sacrifice has already been made—the human part of the shifter has already died for it to be released. Even though I’m not a witch, all magic comes at a cost.

Good to know,I replied as I looped my arm through his. As expected, some of his anxiety ebbed at my touch, making me feel treasured.

Thorn chuckled dryly. “Though I don’t need a witchy setup, I would prefer it if everyone but Everly and Tyson would go inside.”

“No candles and chants, and now I can’t even watch.” Elliott hung his head. “This is sorely disappointing.”

“Elliott, sometimes, it’s not about you.” Eva rolled her eyes. She took her brother’s arm and tugged him toward the barn. “Let’s go kill some people.”

“Okay. Those five words are my most favorite to hear, and they make this sting a lot less.” He picked up his pace. “I’m going to kick your ass.”

“Your brother.” Cassidy snickered and shook her head. “That’s what I thought raising a teen boy would be like, but Thorn wasn’t like that, so I thought I’d been misguided. Now I’m learning Thorn was the exception and not the norm.”

My brother didn’t have the same background as Thorn, but I didn’t want to mention that. No one needed that reminder. “Thorn is the exception to every rule.” I glanced at my mate, the warmth of his love spreading through my body, even reaching my toes.

“I was about to argue about staying out here, but I’m afraid if I do, I might vomit.” Saphira gagged, her face scrunching. “I thought those two were bad before. Oh boy, I was wrong.”

That was the second comment like that in the past hour. I should have been offended, but I was more than pleased.

Cassidy winked at Thorn and me before nodding to the barn. “Let’s get you inside before you throw up your dinner.”

Brenton wrung his hands. “I’ll stay close to the door. Just shout if you need me.”

That was what a good parent did for their child—worried.

“Of course,” I breathed.

Saphira, Cassidy, and Brenton went inside. Once the back door closed, Thorn took a deep breath and said, “Maybe you should sit down.”

Hurrying to the chair in front of Thorn, Tyson sat, facing the firepit. “I’m ready.”

I wish I were,Thorn replied as he rubbed his fingers.

My chest tightened.If you don’t want to try this, don’t. I wasn’t trying to push.

I’m willing to try. This way, I’ll know if I can actually change your siblings.Thorn placed his hands on Tyson’s shoulders.I need you next to me, but not touching me. I don’t want to mess with your dragon by mistake.

That I could do.I’ll always be at your side.

He smiled.I know. There’s no doubt in my mind.He closed his eyes, and his jaw clenched.

A few minutes passed, but neither he nor Tyson reacted or made a noise beyond breathing.