Air sawed through my lungs, and I moved to the opening and waited for Thorn. I wouldn’t leave without him. I’d lay Eva down and close the door before I allowed it to come to that.
“You saw the button I used earlier to open the passage. It’ll close it as well.” The king lifted his chin. “Do it andrun.”
Something hard slammed into the bedroom door. The guards were almost upon us.
Thorn punched the king in the back of the head, and the king’s eyes rolled back as his body lurched to the left…landing right on the bed.
My heart warmed as I entered the passage with Thorn right behind me. He spun around and pressed the button just as the bedroom door cracked, and the secret door slid shut, cutting off the noise.
A stale scent replaced the sweet smell from the bedroom.
Thank goodness the king locked the bedroom door,I connected as some weight fell from my shoulders.
We still need to be quiet in case the guards can hear us,Thorn replied. He turned carefully toward Cassidy and Saphira, who stood a few feet away, and held out his arms to take Errol back from his mother. Saphira then handed Vlad over to Cassidy.
The tunnel was about ten feet wide and twelve feet tall with cobwebs hanging throughout the area. Thorn appeared more massive in the small space.
There was no light, but that wasn’t a problem with my dragon eyes. If Eva woke up, she’d be spooked.Is there a place with more light?I cradled my sister close to me. My brow creased. She’d been tranqed with the same drugs as Errol and Vlad, and she was a small human.
Yeah, there’s light at the other end of this tunnel where we need to wait,he replied and held out his free arm.Let me take your sister. I can tell how uncomfortable you are.
Could I hide anything from him anymore? Even when I’d left to give myself up, thinking his parents, Saphira, and Eva would be released, I hadn’t managed to hide that I’d sneaked out for long. He’d sensed me and awoken before I’d reached Drake.
I shook my head.I’ve got her. You’re already carrying Errol. If you’re going to take a second person, get Vlad. He’s significantly heavier.If anyone needed a reprieve, it was Cassidy.
I want to help my mate.He frowned, and his disappointment swirled through me.
My cheeks hurt from the huge smile that spread across my lips.If my sister wakes up, she’ll be more comfortable if I’m holding her. Let me be there for her. Please? After all, she was captured because of me. This is the least I can do.My shoulders slumped. Her life was forever changed because I hadn’t done enough to protect her.
His irises darkened.You do realize she would’ve been his breeder anyway if you hadn’t interfered, and you wouldn’t have gotten caught up in this if you hadn’t been so selfless. If it’s anyone’s fault that you two got dragged into this, it’s mine. I kidnapped and changed you.
I exhaled and tried to be logical. He and my siblings were the only three things that hindered my pragmatic side. When I faced any other problem, I could separate my feelings from my actions…but not when it came to them. Never them.It’s the king, queen, and Drake’s fault. Your biological parents for being closed-minded assholes, and Drake for being a narcissist who believes he owns the world.
He brushed his fingers along my cheek, the jolt sizzling between us. I closed my eyes and damn near moaned from his touch. I’d missed him so much that it physically hurt.
Saphira quietly cleared her throat.
My gaze flicked to hers. She arched a brow and nodded in the direction of the tunnel we needed to be heading down.
We better move,I connected, staring into his gorgeous eyes, which reminded me of my favorite shade to use for painting the sky.
The lines around his eyes tightened.You’re right. I can’t risk them finding you.He stepped around me, and I wished that Eva hadn’t been a barrier, so I could’ve felt his muscles brush my breasts as he passed. But we’d have time to reconnect later.
“Let me take Vlad, too,” he murmured and reached out his hands.
Cassidy smiled but shook her head.
She wanted to take care of her mate. I could respect that. She was taller than me, so his huge frame didn’t overpower her like Thorn’s would’ve done mine.
Saphira took the lead and headed toward the exit. Her pace was slow and methodical, instead of relieved and carefree. We weren’t out of the woods yet, literally, or figuratively. Cassidy was between Thorn and Saphira, and I took up the rear.
Being in the back was so worth it. I got to watch Thorn’s ass the entire way and admire how his back muscles rippled from carrying Errol. I normally stuck to painting landscapes and faces, but there was a time and a place for exceptions, and the next time I got my hands on brushes, paints, and a canvas, his entire body would be one of them. Although…I would leave out certain delectable places. I didn’t want anyone else to ever see them. Those parts were allmine.
My body warmed just remembering him naked.
Warmth flooded through our connection as Thorn connected,Do you like what you see? I can smell your arousal.
My face flamed. Not because he could smell it but because that meant Cassidy and Saphira could, too. I hadn’t even officially met Cassidy, andthiswould be the way I was introduced to her. If we hadn’t been in such a dangerous situation, I’d have run away and hidden.Your mom is going to hate me.