My chest tightened as my gaze landed on Errol. He was standing where Thorn had been a moment before, a tranq dart lodged in his abdomen. He must have shielded Thorn.
I clenched my hands. I wasn’t sure I could carry a dragon a foot taller than me and a hundred and fifty pounds heavier, but Saphira had sacrificed herself for me, so I had to try.
Just go. I’ll get him and be right behind you,Thorn connected as he rushed to the older man.
I gritted my teeth until my jaw ached.Your shoulders.
I’m fine. I promise,he connected as he bent and threw Errol over one shoulder.
“Errol!” the queen yelped, springing into action.
Things were escalating. As I turned back toward the house, an arm wrapped around my waist and yanked me against a chest.
The leather smell that hurt my head invaded my senses. Ofcourse, it’d be Drake.
“Let her go,” Eva snapped and stepped toward me.
Drake’s chest shook with laughter, and I twisted my head back and saw a sinister smile on his face. He said, “Never. She’s mine.”
He’s going to die,Thorn bellowed from ten feet away and moved toward me despite carrying Errol.
The time had come. I reached inside my bra and removed the glass. The sharp edges cut my hand, but I didn’t give a damn. I was going to kill this sick asshole.
I stabbed him in the chest, and vomit rose in my throat. I’d never wanted to kill someone, but Drake’s death would solve the majority of our problems.
A metallic stench swirled around me as something warm trickled down my hand.
Drake jerked back, and his nostrils flared. “Youbitch! You’re going to pay—”
I punched him in the nose. “I willneverbe yours. I’d rather die than see your face ever again.”
Blood gushed from his nose, and his black suit had a wet stain from where I’d stabbed him. Unfortunately, I’d missed his heart, but the wound should slow him down.
Everly,Thorn said.
Right. We had to go. Kicking Drake’s ass felt good, but I’d rather get out of here.
“Stop her!” Drake shouted as he pinched his nose.
I grabbed Eva’s hand and was dragging her to the door when a tranq came flying at me. Trusting my gut, I stopped in my tracks, yanking Eva behind me just as the dart whizzed past.
They’d expected me to keep moving and had aimed with that in mind.
Thorn opened the back glass door, and Eva and I ran toward it. More tranqs shot at us, and when I was half a foot from running inside, one of them hit Eva in the arm.
She yelped, and I spun, lifted her up like she was a baby, and raced inside the doors. She felt as light as a child.Heck yeah.
I was surprised to find no guards inside. How was this possible?
“Leave me here,” Eva said slowly, the drugs taking hold.
“Shh.” That would never happen.
Gunfire continued to burst out back as we ran through the large living room. The light gray walls reflected the sunlight with slightly darker, luxurious couches centering a large tiled chimney. The same dark cherry wood floors ran throughout this side of the house, including the gigantic curved stairway. With each hurried step we took, the bronze chandelier swung as if it sensed impending doom.
Taking the stairs two steps at a time, we reached the top floor. Thorn turned left, heading to the bedroom he’d indicated earlier. The hallway was long and had the same light gray paint, but large crystal chandeliers hung every ten feet. We passed by a few mammoth, black cherry wood doors, but I didn’t have to question where we were heading.