“Yeah, of course.” I threw off the covers and sat up. I stilled for a second to get my bearings. Everything inside me screamed to cut loose and get the hell out of here, but I knew, without a doubt, that every warrior was working today.
She pressed her lips into a hard line and placed her hands on my shoulders. “I know the circumstances are less than ideal and Drake makes it challenging to love him.”
I choked. There was no question—Ididn’tlovehim. My stepdad was anangelcompared to Drake, and that was saying something. My stepdad was indifferent and cruel when I got in his way; Drake was a power-hungry egomaniac. If there was a person I hated in this world, it washim. But I couldn’t tell her that, so I posed a safer question. “What makes you say that?”
“What woman doesn’t want to plan their wedding?” Queen Mira arched a brow. “And I see the way you look at him. He chose your sister as his breeder, which—having a breeder is a tradition I’m not fond of. But that’s how Drake is. He pushes people brutally far to find out if they love him.”
I forced my mouth to remain closed. This was clearly how the king and queen justified Drake’s actions, saying he did horrible things to test how much others loved him. But that wasn’t right. Drake thought he owned the world, that he could do whatever he wanted, without consequences, not to prove their love.
Not only had the king’s decision changed Thorn’s life but their own, too, and for the worse.
I chose my next words carefully. “And when does he stop pushing?”
Her face turned stony, any trace of warmth gone. “Never.”
This proved that some parents refused to see their children for what they were.
She scoffed and rolled her eyes. “But…there are times when I see hints of the young boy underneath. Like early this morning when Drake showed up, needing his father.” Her eyes glistened as she blinked. “But that’s enough of that sort of talk. Today is a happy day. My son is getting married, one step closer to taking over the throne, andI get adaughter.”
I wanted to tell her that I was already her daughter but informing her that I was mated to her other son wouldn’t be the smartest move. I wondered why she didn’t know I was mated to Thorn because King Arman had realized it quickly. But shehadgiven me an important clue.I think the king still plans to help us.
What makes you say that?Thorn connected.
Because Queen Mira informed me that Drake showed up early this morning, needing his father.I wanted to ask the queen more questions, but I didn’t want to make her suspicious or risk a nearby warrior overhearing us. So, I bit my tongue, hoping to ask questions sporadically and not alert her. “Well, he’s probably nervous about the wedding, too. It’s a huge commitment that no one should take lightly.”
“Exactly.” Queen Mira’s attention flicked to Eva, who was still sound asleep.
That action alone was telling.
“Anyway.” She quietly clapped her hands and took a few steps back. “Why don’t you wake your sister while I get a maid to bring us some coffee and breakfast? My servants will bring the dresses and makeup to you. We can get ready here to ensure Drake doesn’t see you before you march down the aisle.”
Nausea churned within. There was no way in hell I could eat, but a cup of coffee would be amazing. “Okay.” I should have said more—she was trying to be kind—but I couldn’t. I didnotwant to get dressed and dolled up for… I couldn’t even finish that thought.
Of course. He’s watching the king because he probably hasn’t determined how Vlad, Cassidy, and Saphira escaped.Thorn growled.We’re trying to figure out another way in in case the king doesn’t show up soon. The back terraces are crawling with guards, so we need to wait until some guests arrive so we can blend in.
The queen hurried away to get things rolling…which meant my ass would be getting dressed. Last night, I’d banked on not having to deal with the whole preparation part of the wedding, but that had been wishful thinking.
Everly, you will not marry him,Thorn vowed.I don’t care what it takes. I won’t allow it to happen. You won’t be forced to be with someone you can’t stand.
My hands clenched.It’s you or no one.No one could ever replace Thorn, and I wanted to ensure he was clear about my feelings.
Warmth wafted through our bond as he replied,I love you.
Damn straight you do.I lifted my chin as if he could see me.And I love you, too. You’re stuck with me forever. I’m like a fungus you can’t get rid of. I’ve set up camp in a part of you, a part you can’t remove me from, and I’ll keep coming back.
I never liked fungus…until now,he teased.
My cheeks hurt, and I realized I was smiling.
Eva groaned. “Have you lost your mind? You’re grinning like a fool. We aren’t safe, and you’re about to marry Drake!”
That was like a splash of ice-cold water. My skin itched, and I leaned toward her and murmured, “I was talking to Thorn.”
“That telepathic thing?” Eva rolled toward me and propped her head on her hand. “That’s still wild, but I guess it’s helpful, given our situation.”
Being able to talk with Thorn and having Eva here were the only reasons I hadn’t completely lost it. “Yeah, but they ran into a snag this morning and are sorting it out.”
Eva’s eyes brightened. “But they’re still coming, right?”