“Cry it out.” Eva squeezed me gently.
She left out the other part of what Mom would say—Things will look better in the morning.
My connection with Thorn warmed, and his voice popped into my mind,Did that guard do something?Cold tendrils of fear wafted into me, tightening my chest.
No, it’s just… I’m not going to get out of here,I answered, not bothering to pretend I wasn’t broken.I’m going to be married to that prick tomorrow, and not you. I don’t know if I can handle that. I want to be your wife and have children with you.
A lump choked me when I realized what I’d said. We’d been mated less than a week, and I’d spent most of that time stuck with Drake. It would be a miracle if I didn’t scare Thorn away.
We’re going to have that,Thorn vowed.You’re more than my wife already because we’ve completed the fated-mate connection. A wedding would be a formality and a way to celebrate the merging of our souls with everyone since I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t have wanted them in the bedroom when we forged the bond.
Some of the pain in my chest ebbed, but not enough to allow me to laugh.No, and I’m glad that telling you I wanted to marry you and have babies didn’t scare you away.
Fuck no,he snarled.That made me ecstatic. I feel the same way. You were human for so long that I didn’t want to make you feel trapped or uncomfortable. But you are never getting rid of me, and I will get you out of that wedding tomorrow. Vlad is talking to Arman now.
Do you have a plan?
Not yet, but we’re working on it.He paused and pushed warmth into me.What I need you to do is get some rest and trust me when I say I will find my way to you. Always and forever.
I didn’t doubt his words, but sometimes, promises couldn’t be kept, even those made with the best of intentions.You can’t know that. And Thorn, what’s my freedom worth if you get caught?
Fate didn’t put us together to have some Romeo and Juliet ending.His determination made my worries vanish.I will do whatever it takes to get you back here with me. Please, trust me.
Okay.I’d walk through fire with him as long as I was at his side.
I closed my eyes and pictured Thorn’s face, tracing my finger along the sheets, imagining they were a paintbrush. The small, calming motion was enough to ease my soul.
As my eyelids drooped and closed, Eva continued to hold me.
Before I drifted off to sleep, Thorn connected with me again.Ev, we’ve got a plan. You’ll see me soon. We’ll sneak you out before the wedding preparations begin. I love you. Get your rest because, once you get home, you won’t be going back to sleep until I get my fill of you.
My chest lightened, and I smiled.I love you. I can’t wait.Then I drifted off to sleep.
* * *
Something shook my body,stirring me awake. My heart leaped.
Thorn was here. Eva and I were finally getting out of this hellhole.
I opened my eyes, and harsh reality crashed over me.
I’d been hopingto find Thorn standing at the foot of the bed, but instead, it was Queen Mira. She wore emerald satin pajamas, and her hair was pulled into a low ponytail.
My heart clenched, and my blood turned to ice. Thorn hadn’t come.Please tell me you’re okay.
I glanced out the window across the room and noted that the sky held the pinks and oranges of the rising sun. It had to be around seven thirty, but I felt as if I’d had only a few hours of sleep.
I’m not okay,Thorn replied, his dragon snarling.We ran into an issue. The king said he’d open an entrance for us that only he knows about, and the damn door isn’t open.
Maybe the king hadn’t meant to help free us after all. Could his real plan have been to ensure his oldest son’s safety but also allow Drake to get what he wanted—Eva and me?What are you going to do?
I’m not sure.Thorn paused.We’re brainstorming the next best strategy.
The queen smiled sadly. “It’s okay to be nervous. I thought you might be and hoped the three of us could get ready together.”
Though I wanted to tell her no, that wasn’t an option. If Drake found out I’d turned his mother away, there would be hell to pay, but more than that, I didn’t want to hurt her feelings. Planning the wedding with her had been horrible, but she was the only reason I’d made it through. Mira was kind and considerate…everything that Thorn was, and Drake wasn’t. Eva had been quiet, I guessed because of the way Drake had treated her that morning, and Mira had noted our discomfort and planned most everything. I probably shouldn’t have let her, but I didn’t have the ability to plan this wedding.