Page 16 of Marked Dragon

If Drake wouldn’t tell them the truth, I would. “I was human until a little over a week ago.”

Drake glared at me sideways.

What were we supposed to say, other than the truth? They knew I shouldn’t be a dragon shifter.

The queen’s jaw dropped, and she took a few steps toward me, her gorgeous eyes brightening. “That’s impossible. Unless…” She took a staggered breath. “He’s alive.”

Out of every reaction I might have predicted, it wasn’t one I would have described as hopeful.

She took her seat again and leaned toward me. She bit her bottom lip and asked, “Where did you see this man? Was it in Asheville or another town close by?”

Drake snarled, his malice slipping through. “Mother, stop. Remember how you were supposed to meet her over a week ago? You didn’t because theabominationkidnapped her on the way to the chateau. Falkor and Ladon nearly lost their lives.”

The queen’s face fell, and her eyes darkened.

I wished I could say something to contradict what Drake had said, but he hadn’t lied. Thorn had done that, though not for the fun of it. I had to bite my tongue, or Eva would pay the price for my outing him. But I couldn’t remain silent. “He changed me to save my life.”

Hope sparked back into her gaze.

“He’s a master manipulator,” Drake said forcibly as he reached over and grabbed my knee. He squeezed so tightly that a whimper built inside me. He wrinkled his nose. “The real reason he changed you was that he knew you were meant to be my breeder. But that’s fine. I got you back and solved that problem as well.”

The king lifted a brow. “What do you mean?”

Drake’s expression smoothed, and the corners of his mouth tipped upward. “Well, that’s one reason I asked to meet for breakfast today. I’ve made a decision. Now that Everly is a dragon shifter, I want to make her my queen.”

The king laughed but stopped abruptly when Drake didn’t join in.

“I’m serious, Father.” Drake lifted his coffee mug from the table. “I’ve thought about it, and there is no other person I want by my side.”

Though there was a plate full of eggs and bacon in front of me, I couldn’t eat without puking.

“Son, you have to be kidding.” The king shook his head. “She’s not dragon born.”

“True.” Drake shrugged. “But we ensure that information doesn’t become public. We can say she didn’t live in the area. She’s from Asheville, and I won’t have anyone else as my wife.”

The king rubbed his temples. “You mentioned solving your problem. How will marrying Everly, a dragon shifter, help with our reproduction issue?”

“I’m glad you asked.” He released his hold on me and took a sip of his coffee. “Since Everly will live here with me, I figured, why not make her more comfortable? So I brought her sister here to be my breeder.”

“What?” the queen choked out. “You’re telling me you chose sisters for your wife and breeder?”

He was trying to come off as considerate, but even his mom could see the error in that plan.

The king slammed his hand on the table, and the glass cracked down the center. “Have you lost your mind? You took not just one child away from Peter buttwo? All you’ve done is brought unwanted attention to us!”

Without flinching, Drake took a bite of his eggs. “Peter embezzled money. He knows the consequences. Besides, he was thrilled to get this one off his hands.” He pointed at me.

That was like a gut punch, despite every word being true.

“Wait.” The queen gripped the arms of her chair. “If Thorn took Everly, how is she here?”

“I handled the situation.” Drake placed his fork on his plate and leaned back in his seat. “I located Vlad and Cassidy, used them as leverage, and voila, here she is, back with me.”

She smoothed out a wrinkle in her dress across her stomach. “Is that the one—” She glanced at the king.

He nodded subtly.

I assumed she was asking if Vlad was the assassin, but I wasn’t sure.