If that had been Falkor or Ladon, they wouldn’t have considered Eva’s needs or cared if Drake got pissed at me. I’d bet they’d enjoy it. Even though I got a nicer vibe from Uther, that didn’t mean I would trust him.
Knowing I needed an outfit from the other room since “my” clotheswere there, I closed my eyes to calm my pounding pulse. I didn’t want to go into Drake’s room, but I didn’t have much choice. If I wore something he knew wasn’t from in there, I suspected he wouldn’t let it go.
I rushed into the hall and stopped in front of Uther, pointing at him. “Do not go in there while my sister’s sleeping alone. If something seems wrong, just holler. I’ll be listening.”
He pinched the bridge of his nose but nodded. “Understood, but you need to hurry. Drake will be here soon. He’s getting ready in the main chateau.”
His heartbeat remained steady, so I forced myself to enter the bedroom.
If I’d thought Eva’s room was huge, I’d been mistaken. This bedroom was twice the size.
The same wooden floor ran into the room, and every piece of furniture was white. A king-size bed backed against the wall on the left, flanked by nightstands with dark gray lamps. The bedding looked the same as in the other room. The headboard was white, offsetting the silver walls, and the footboard had two drawers built into it. A dresser and a chest of drawers completed the set.
Across from the bed, in front of two oversize windows, sat a brown leather couch and a matching recliner. The sitting area overlooked the back terrace. Two doors were set in the wall on the far right side of the room. The one closest to where I stood was cracked open to reveal a large walk-in closet, meaning the other one was the bathroom.
This was where he expected us to stay. I was thankful I’d already emptied my stomach.
The walls crept toward me as my body tingled. If I didn’t get out of here soon, I’d have a full-blown panic attack. I’d been weak enough in front of Drake last night. Today, I’d do everything I could not to let him get to me. Straightening my shoulders, I marched into the closet.
I snorted. It was as large as my attic room back at my stepdad’s house. Each side of the room had two rows of clothing racks that were full. In the center, a gigantic island as long as the walls held more than a hundred pairs of shoes. It was topped by a long mirror that split the area into his and hers sections. The right side of the space held the women’s clothing, and hundreds of pieces of jewelry sat on one half of the island counter.
A sour taste filled my mouth. This was obnoxious. One person didn’t need this much. Peter had referenced how loaded the Hale family was, but I hadn’t understood that until now.
If Thorn had been the prince living here, I doubted he would’ve been as obnoxious about flaunting his wealth.
Struggling to breathe, I strolled to the woman’s side. I had no time to waste.
I sighed when I noticed there were no jeans or cotton tops, just various dresses, skirts, and jumpsuits. Whoever had ordered the clothes—most likely Drake—was sending a clear message: no casual wear for me.
My jaw twinged, and I realized I’d been gritting my teeth for who knew how long. I forced my jaw to relax and rubbed my chest where our bond was located. It was lukewarm, so Thorn must be sleeping, but I’d promised to let him know when I was awake. I connected,Hey, babe.
The bond warmed as I homed in on a long-sleeved, wide-legged jumpsuit. It looked like the sort of outfit I usually wore, so I removed it from the rod to get a better look. The material was threaded with shiny teal blue, silver, and gold lurex, and it had a surplice neckline and a sash.
Hey, you,he replied, but a chill ran through our bond.Is he there?
I undressed.Not yet. But had the guard not snuck in to wake me—
Thorn’s dragon snarled.He snuck in while you were sleeping?
I had the same reaction, but he explained why.I filled him in on the incident. I couldn’t blame Thorn for getting upset. I didn’t like it either.He seems like a good guy. He heard Drake threaten me about being ready, without including a time.I put on the jumpsuit and tied the sash around my waist. The garment fit like a glove, which had my skin crawling.
Thorn’s annoyance flashed.Because he wanted to catch you off guard and use the fact that you’re not ready as an excuse to punish you. You said you’re meeting the king?
Yes.I broke out in a sweat, so I turned to the island and searched for shoes.I don’t know what I’m supposed to do or say.Halfway down, I found a pair of simple black heels that complemented the outfit and slipped them on my feet.
He’ll tell the king that he wants to…ma—He cut himself off as his anger intensified and heated.
That was inconvenient for me, seeing as I was already having a hard time controlling my body heat on my own. I inhaled to steady my racing heart and bent down. I snatched up the shorts and T-shirt I’d been wearing.Have you talked with Vlad, Cassidy, and Saphira?
I’m waking them up now,he answered.One second.
Needing a task to focus on, I marched back out into the hallway. Uther stood a few feet away from the bedroom door, as if to ensure I wouldn’t wonder if he’d gone inside. I walked past him into the room where Eva still slept and straight into the bathroom.
I searched the cabinets and found the items I needed still in packages: a hairbrush, makeup, a toothbrush, and toothpaste. Someone truly had prepared for Eva’s and my arrival. My back stiffened.
As I stood in front of the mirror, my legs gave out. I clutched the counter to keep myself upright, my gaze boring into my reflection.
I didn’t recognize the girl staring back at me.