They stuck me in the Wolfram Dwiin room to make sure I can’t sneak past them.His annoyance flickered through our connection.
I snorted as half of the worry weighing on me disappeared. His parents and Saphira were there, and they were making sure he didn’t do something reckless.
Did they tell you how they got away?I was still stunned that they’d had someone in position to rescue them.
Thorn replied,They have no clue. It just happened.
Now that I’d gotten some sanity back, I stood, flushed the toilet, and made my way into the shower. Steam rolled from the top, fogging up the entire room. I stood under the stream and nearly moaned when the water was hot, even to my touch. Ever since I’d become a dragon, the showers had felt lukewarm, but this shower had obviously been made for dragon shifters.
Maybe whoever helped them will help get me out.My chest expanded with hope.
Thorn didn’t feel as relieved.I wouldn’t count on it, and Drake will have you heavily guarded. We’ll have to operate under the assumption that we’re on our own.
I hated the sound of it, but that was the best strategy. I turned off the water and dried my body. My head was still killing me, but it was bearable enough to sleep. As I slipped on my clothes, I replied,You’re right. I hate to do this, but I have to get some rest. I don’t want to miss any detail that might help with our escape.
Link with me as soon as you wake up. I don’t care what time it is or if you think I’m asleep. I need to know what’s going on.
That was the least I could do after the hell I’d put us through.Promise. And Thorn, I love you. I’m sorry for upsetting you. I swear I wasn’t trying to. I was just doing what I thought would keep you safe.
I don’t need you to save me,he replied as his dragon whimpered.I need you back in my arms, and that means I need to know everything that’s going on. I know I can’t act recklessly, so I need you to trust me like I trust you.
I do, and I’ll prove it,I vowed. Actions spoke louder than words, so I needed to back mine up.
His dragon purred.I can feel your pain, so get some sleep. I’ll be here if you need anything.
I entered the bedroom and found Eva already in bed with the lights off. She’d taken the side facing the window and away from the door, which suited me just fine. I tiptoed to the bed and crawled under the sheet, facing the door.
The sheets were cool and soft, and my body melted into the mattress. I hated that the bed was comfortable, but I felt as if I were lying on a cloud.
As I closed my eyes, Eva turned to me and scooched so close that our bodies touched. She whispered, “I’m sorry, Everly. I didn’t mean the things I said earlier.”
I glanced over my shoulder, not wanting to turn away from the door. If someone walked in, I wanted to see them immediately. I smiled reassuringly. “I understand, and we can talk more in the morning. I’m not upset or hurt, okay?”
She nodded. “Sleep good. Goodnight.”
“Night,” I murmured, and my eyes closed.
* * *
A creak woke me.The door clicked shut quietly as someone tried to enter undetected.
Chest tightening, I opened my eyes.
A lump formedin my throat as my gaze settled on Uther. He removed his black hat, confirming that his entire head was bald. Dark circles lined his eyes.
I tensed and sat up, ready to defend my sister and myself. I whispered, “What are you doing?”
His brows furrowed, and his eyes bulged as he glanced back at the door, then at me. He raised his hands and sputtered, “Nothing.”
Did all dragon men think women were stupid, or was that the influence of the king and Drake? I lifted my chin, ignoring my squirming stomach. “Nothing?You’re sneaking into the bedroom while Eva and I are asleep. That seems like more thannothing.” I clutched the covers over my breasts, though I wasn’t wearing anything revealing.
He flinched. “It’s not what it looks like.” He sighed and rubbed a hand down his face. “I swear. I was notified that Drake would be here soon.” He gestured at his walkie-talkie. “And you weren’t awake. I…I heard what he said last night and didn’t want…” He winced.
He didn’t have to finish. Drake wanted me ready and presentable, yet he hadn’t told me what time he planned to arrive. I inhaled deeply to calm my rattled nerves. “No, it’s fine. Thank you.” I threw the covers off my legs and stood but paused as I stared between him and Eva. He seemed sincere, but I didn’t want to let my guard down. She was human and asleep in a bed. That was as vulnerable as one could get.
“I promise on my scales I wasn’t being pervy.” His nose wrinkled. “I just figured the human girl could use more rest, so I was coming to wakeyou. So, you’re awake, and this is awkward, and I’ll be leaving now.” He spun around and blurred out of the door.