Page 83 of Reckless Desire

“Do you want to join us while you wait?” Sydney asks and mouths sorry to me.

Well, not the date I was imagining, but I smile at her. It’s not like he would stay with us for too long.

“No, go ahead. She’ll be here any minute.”

At that, the door swings open and a tall woman walks in. Short skirt, long legs, beautiful figure—she is very young looking and staring into her pink phone.

“Well, and here she is,” Gio says.

Before we are ushered to our table, I glance at Mila. The disgust she throws Gio’s way is so palpable I almost wince. He doesn’t notice as his attention remains on his phone.

“Why does your brother need a date when he’s perfectly happy with his device?” I ask as we sit down.

“He works all the time. It might look like browsing to us, but I think he’s watching markets, reading reports and whatnot. I know it’s strange, but before, when he started building his empire, he wouldn’t even leave his office, so we’re kind of glad he gets out now.”

“No offense, but he seems self-absorbed.”

Sydney shrugs. “I guess we all wear a mask.” She looks over to where her brother sits now. He and his date are both staring into their phones.

“What’s your mask, Sydney?” We’ve talked enough about other people for one night.

She snaps her eyes back to me, wide-eyed for a moment, and then looks away as though she’ll find the answer among the other guests. Or courage. I didn’t even realize how loaded my question was.

The server interrupts, reciting the specials and taking our order.

“Tell me about the show.” Sydney uses the interruption to switch to a lighter topic.

I decide to go with it. I’ll uncover her mask in time. Sipping the wine, I explain the idea behind the TV show.

“It sounds amazing, Hunter. I’m so happy for you. What does it mean for your clubs?”

“I’m hoping only good things. I have a five-year plan of opening clubs across the country, but I’m treating Priscilla’s money as a loan, so I’m being prudent with the expansion. The publicity of the show could help with the growth. I hope.”

She raises her glass. “To my TV star boyfriend, then.”

“You lucked out, Mrs. Lowe, what can I tell you?” I wink and we drink. “It will be busy for a while. My concern is Caro… and now you.”

It might be too soon to talk about us in this context, but I want every opportunity to make sure Sydney breaks through her trust and commitment issues.

She beams at me, and it’s a sight I want to remember for the rest of my life. “I’m happy to step in and help with Caro.”

Out of all the things she could have said, offering to help with my daughter shoots straight to my heart. I’m speechless for a moment, just savoring the intimacy that has been growing between us.

“Have you always wanted to be a teacher?”

Our meal arrives and we both get distracted by the presentation, the smell of garlic and thyme, the succulent steam rising from our plates. We both ordered the special, which is fish, and before taking a bite, I’m already sure this is going to be an experience.

“I’m not sure about always, but for as long as I remember. My mom died when I was eleven and I started helping dad with my sisters. Most people felt sorry for me, having to step in as a caregiver, but I actually enjoyed it. Later, I saw what schools can do to kids.

“Take Gio, for example. He’s rich and successful, but he was failing miserably at school. Massi struggled as well. Now Bianca was strict but always fair and she supported them. But what happens to kids that don’t have parents like Bianca, or you? They lose self-confidence and grow up believing they can’t do anything.

“And so I wanted to teach, to make the system work for the kids that are unique. I even planned to open my own school, or a learning center for kids who require—and deserve—alternative approaches to learning. There are systems in place now, but it’s still a struggle for parents. And it depends on the individual school, as you know.”

“Frankly, I knew I needed to get Caro out of her former school quickly, but I was lost as to how else to help her. We’re lucky to have gotten you. Both of us are benefiting.”

She smiles and crimson spreads across her face. “I can’t complain either.”

“Why haven’t you pursued the idea of the learning center?”