“Caroline is safe and sound with my mom, and I’d prefer not to have a heart attack every time you call me. Also, it’s after hours. If you’re calling to ask how to dress tonight, don’t worry.” He lowers his voice to a dangerously sensuous rumble. “I don’t plan on keeping you dressed for long.”
“That’s presumptuous, Mr. Stuart.” A smile stretches across my face.
“I don’t assume, I plan, sweetheart. Wear whatever you want… Perhaps something you won’t miss once I rip it off.”
Jesus. “You’re such a romantic.”
“At your services, Mrs. Lowe.”
If I continue smiling like this, I might crack my jaw. “You’re distracting me with your promises. I almost forgot why I called—”
“To hear my devastatingly sexy voice, of course.”
“Where have you been hiding that ego until now? I don’t think there is a storage facility large enough in NYC.” I try to sound stern, but my voice is laced with humor.
Since we clarified the misunderstandings—to a certain extent—and decided to move forward, the air between us has been lighter, missing the stupid preconceived notions. Just two people enjoying each other’s company.
We’ve been talking on the phone each night, and every conversation just adds to the growing list of things we have in common, or those we disagree on yet admire the other person’s view.
“My ego is proportionate to all my other important parts.” His voice drops deeper and the words spread heat in my core. My mouth goes dry and my brain void.
This man. I crave him and loathe myself for it. Or not anymore. It’s all too much. More I can take and all I want.
“Dan put me on probation.” My words feel like a cold shower on our playful conversation.
I don’t even know why the innuendo riled me up suddenly. Hunter is more experienced than me, and as much as I want not to think about that my self-confidence is shot, so here I am, pouring ice on a fun exchange.
A beat of silence stretches.
“Is he punishing you for breaking up with him?”
“I don’t know. It would have been nice if he’d done a formal investigation before drawing conclusions, but what happened is my fault, so I take responsibility however he sees fit. We need to be careful. For Caro’s sake, but also because of my job.” He doesn’t need to know about Dan’s suggestion to get back together.
“You want to hide our relationship?”
“I want you to consider it before we jump into anything. This is hard for me to say, but if you’re not willing to hide for the time being, perhaps we should cancel…” My stomach tightens. “Or postpone?” I hate how needy I sound.
What if he cancels, to protect his daughter? And that’s what he should do. It’s not like she could switch schools again. There has been enough turmoil in her life already.
Hunter is probably running a similar assessment. One that should lead him to an inevitable conclusion that would crush me. The silence on the other side of the line is punctuated by the erratic heartbeat pulsating in my temple.
“I’ll pick you up as agreed, Sydney.” He hangs up.
* * *
I lay out three different outfits and stare at them. I wish he’d called me Mrs. Lowe when he confirmed our date. He uses it to play around, but calling me Sydney—in that sexy hiss of his—left me doubtful. Does he want to meet to discuss the consequences of our potential relationship, or are we still having a date?
Too late, Mrs. Lowe, we’re doing it. Fuck the rules.
I hold on to his words from earlier this week. His determination seemed resolute enough for both of us. And he has a daughter to protect. Perhaps I should be the one to hit the brakes. To stop us from giving in to the maddening lust that’s consumed us since we laid eyes on each other.
My phone chimes with an incoming message. I don’t want to look. What if it’s Hunter canceling? The doubt settles in my mind, driving me crazy.Pull yourself together, Sydney.
I don’t know why I’ve been on edge like this. It might be the conversation with Dan earlier, or perhaps the lingering awareness that for the first time since Jeremy I might be under the threat of caring enough to get hurt.
I check my phone finally.
London:Stop overthinking and just enjoy yourself. Love, L.