Three years later
“Good morning, Mrs. Lowe.”
The soft voice penetrates the last remains of my dream. The sheets are so warm and cozy, I don’t want to open my eyes and get on with my day.
But then I remember what kind of a day it is and I push myself to sit.
“The sun isn’t up yet.” I rub my eyes. The drapes are open and outside it looks as if twilight still reigns.
“I woke you up early, so you don’t have to rush and stress.” Dan smiles at me.
Of course, he thought about all the aspects of this morning. I didn’t want to stay over. We only do sleepovers occasionally. But I preferred staying with him instead of dealing with my anxiety alone. It’s an important day, after all.
Dan’s bedroom is small, but at least he has one. That might be the reason he prefers us hooking up here and avoids my studio at all costs. Soft, neutral pastel colors blend with his white furniture. There is nothing masculine about this bedroom. It’s gentle and calming, like Dan’s personality.
He is reliable, kind, and like the colors of his bedroom he blends well. With my life. My plans for the future. My expectations from a friend with benefits. He makes me feel safe. We’re good together, but not too attached. He is the perfect solution to my loneliness.
And he spoils me. I spy the tray he is holding. “So you rob me of sleep and make me breakfast? Good morning to you too, Mr. Ravinski.”
He plants a kiss on the crown of my head and places the tray in my lap. The smell of coffee mixed with fresh croissant makes my mouth water.
“It’s a big step, finally getting your own class. And I’m hoping I can steal a moment with you in the broom closet after school.” He sits on the edge of the bed.
“A broom closet?” I laugh and take a sip of the coffee.
“The gym lockers?” He winks.
“Ew, you better get more creative.” His eyes sparkle. “Or no, don’t. I can’t believe I’m even discussing it. If my day goes well, you might get lucky. Here in your bedroom.”
I take a bite of my croissant and Dan grabs my wrist, kisses me and takes a bite himself, the crumbs sprinkling his light gray sheets.
“I’m going to take a quick shower.” He swipes the mess around the tray into his palm and leaves.
My own class. It’s taken me a while, but after four years as a sub, I spent the last two years on staff, covering someone’s leave, at a private girls’ school on the Upper East Side. And today I’ll get my class of third graders.
I’ve finished my breakfast by the time the water goes off in the bathroom. In the kitchen, I put the dishes into the dishwasher.
“Would you like another coffee?” I call as the door clicks and the scent of Dan’s shower gel spreads through the apartment.
I pour myself a cup, but there is no answer. “Dan?” I return to the bedroom and find him standing there, a towel around his waist. He is holding something in his hand, but closes his palm promptly when he sees me. “Are you okay? I asked if you wanted another coffee.”
“This might be the worst timing ever. I know that your head is probably in your classroom already and I wanted to wait for the afternoon, but today is an important day for me too and I’d feel much better if I knew…” His eyes are darting around.
“If you knew what?” I lean against the door frame. Levelheaded Dan is never nervous. I squeeze my cup with both hands, a film of sweat covering my palms. God, what is he up to?
He opens his palm and I frown.
“A key?”
“It’s a key to my apartment.” If someone needed to portray hope on a billboard, they could use Dan’s current expression. Only it makes no sense.
“Dan, I don’t need a key, I come over when you’re at home.” I step closer and cup his face with one hand. “What’s going on?”
He turns his head and kisses my palm, closing his eyes briefly with a long sigh. “I’d like you to move in with me.”