“No, no, you won’t. You’ve done enough. You and Emily play a game or something. I’ll rinse the dishes. Making them clean is the dishwasher’s job.”
I cleaned up, boxing up what was left and putting it back in the sacks. Codrin needed to take the food with him. I carried the sacks into the family room and set them down.
“These go home with you,” I said.
“I brought the food for Emily.”
“Don’t argue. Take it home and have it for breakfast or lunch.’
He nodded. “Yes, ma’am.”
The wine tasted very good. A warm glow filled me. I hadn’t felt so relaxed in months. Everything seemed to be right. When Codrin finished the game, he announced that he had to leave, as there was work to be done the next day. I walked him to the door.
“I don’t know how to thank you,” I said as he put on his leather coat.
“No need. It was my pleasure. Your daughter is quite a gem.”
“If you keep telling her that, she’s going to have a head the size of a basketball.”
“I doubt that. She’ll end up a very pretty girl, like her mother.”
A thrill ran up my spine. I had forgotten how a compliment from the right person could affect me. Codrin thought I was pretty. Wow.
“And I have to leave before I drink too much and get pulled over. Staying home tomorrow?”
I nodded. “At least one more day. I have my laptop. I’ll be working.”
“Good, great, don’t forget, I’m working on a project, and I would like you to join me.”
“What sort of project?”
“It’s hush-hush at the moment. I’ll explain in a few days. I hope that’s not too vague.”
“We’ll see. Goodnight, Codrin.”
For a moment, I thought he might wrap his arms around me and kiss me. I was pretty sure I would not object, although I knew I should. There was something about him that was compelling. I wanted him to take the initiative. I wanted him to sweep me off my feet. I wanted…
“Is he coming back tomorrow?” Emily asked as I tucked the covers around her.
“I don’t think so. He’s busy, just like us.”
“I hope he comes back. Chicago wants him to come back too.”
“We’ll see what happens.”
I kissed her forehead. No fever. She hugged Chicago and closed her eyes, and I was pleased, its a bit warmer for the wine. As I readied for bed, I told myself that I had to be careful. Codrin was as charming as…Dracula. I had to remember that I was married, and he was wed to his job. No matter what Emily thought or what I felt, I was certain that any hookup with Codrin would end badly. It might be glorious in the beginning. My body tingled at that thought. Yet, his attention would soon be drawn to the bank, his work, and his rise. I knew he wanted to be the CEO of some large corporation. He wouldn’t be satisfied with a mid-level position. That was for lesser men.
He was just like Wayne.
I flopped on the bed and stared at the ceiling. If Codrin were in the Marines, he would be special forces. He would leave home at the drop of a hat and fly around the world for the opportunity to create havoc for the advancement of the country.
Why was I drawn to the same type?
I didn’t have an answer to that question. I simply knew that no matter what I wished, Codrin wouldn’t settle down, cleaning out the gutters on Saturdays and watching football with the neighbors on Sundays. He was designed for high flying, for rare air. I knew that. Yet, I was still drawn to him. Who wouldn’t be? I slipped under the covers and asked myself if I had made a colossal mistake when I moved to Chicago.
I was becoming convinced that I had.
Chapter eleven