Page 66 of Struck By Love

The baby, having spotted her, was grunting with his hands outstretched. Emma went to take him from Grace. “Thank you so much for watchin’ Carter for me.”

“My pleasure entirely. He’s adorable‍—so easy to please.”

Emma bounced the baby on her hip. “Yep, God knew I needed an easy one after Colton.”

“Did you get any sleep?”

“Enough to get me through the day.”

While noting the ease with which the two women communicated, Amos weighed the amount of ground venison he had in his fridge with mouths to feed. “Give me a second to change my clothes, and I’ll get started on dinner. Burgers okay?”

“Of course.” Emma’s panged expression communicated her reluctance to take food from them, but she would do it for her children’s sake. “What can I do to help?”

“Might want to check on the boys up there.” As Amos bent to tackle his laces again, a loud crash sounded overhead.

“That was my grill,” he guessed. “There’s not much space up there. They can play on the hill behind the house if that’s okay with you.”

Grace asked, “You sure your landlords won’t mind?”

“I’m sure,” he replied.

Emma headed out the door, taking the baby with her. “Boys,” she called with the door still open, “what in blue blazes are you doin’ up there?”

“Sorry,” chorused three voices at once.

Amos met Grace’s wry smile as Emma shut the door and climbed the steps to the deck above them.

“Simon is so happy.”

The smile curving Grace’s lips made Amos want to kiss her. She seemed rather happier herself. “He spent a good part of his life with them. I’m glad myself. Been wanting to thank Emma for raising him right.”

Grace’s expression sobered. “She has ten dollars to her name, Amos.”

He cocked his head at her. “You think I’m going to shake her hand and send her on her way? What kind of man do you take me for?”

The question silenced her. Then she licked her lips and said quickly, “I think they should stay here on the houseboat until you’re back from your op. That’ll keep Simon from noticing your absence so much.”

If she knew he would soon be within a hundred miles of Mateo, she would pull her hair out. He sent her a slow nod. “Aye, I think that’s a good idea.” Simon wasn’t the only one who could use a distraction. The extra company would be good for Grace, as well. “And when I get back, I’ll help her find a place to live, assuming she wants to stay in the area.”

Grace just stared at him, saying nothing.

“What is it?” He got the impression she was keeping something from him.

To his surprise, she stood and walked straight up to him. Her arms went around his neck, and then she was hugging him in a way, he could tell, that was meant to be platonic, but his mouth went dry at the feel of her soft curves pressed against him. The nutmeg fragrance of her shampoo floated into him.

“You surprise me all the time, Amos.”

She started to release him, but he’d hooked an arm around her back, keeping her close.

“I hope that’s a good thing?”

“It is.” Her gaze flickered to his lips as if wary‍—or hoping‍—he might kiss her.

He gave in to the impulse to do just that. Ducking his head, he pressed a gentle kiss against her startled mouth and hovered there until he felt her soften. She held perfectly still as he kissed her more thoroughly. The passion he’d always sensed beat up immediately‍—and not just in him, for she was the first to let the kiss deepen. Her hands smoothed over his shoulders as if measuring their breadth, but then she pushed against his broad chest and freed herself from his embrace.

She stood there a moment, her pupils dilated, her chest rising and falling. “I’m going to go check on the others.”

With that breathless excuse, she fled to the door.