Page 6 of The Only Reason

“You seemoff,” he says, studying me again from behind his round rimmed glasses. They are something that originally pulled me to him, something about the way he looks like that nerdy hot professor.

“Just tired from the flight.” I push into the elevator first, desperate to get away from his worrying. It wouldn’t take a genius to figure out what was wrong with me.

I end up shoulder to shoulder with Dakota and her very low cut top.Why the hell am I noticing that?I quickly look up and pretend to be interested in the ceiling until I realize it’s all mirror. I am looking at an even deeper view of Dakota’s chest. I close my eyes and hope this ride will be over soon.


I will admitit’s weird attempting to fit in with Austin’s friends when I haven’t seen him in so long. They’ve all been kind, especially Violet who really saved my ass. It’s only Grant who keeps glaring at me like I stole the last piece of chocolate cake he was saving for lunch. Violet has mentioned she’s single but from the way Grant looks, I can tell that’s her choice not his. I’ll have to ask Austin about it later, there’s probably a good story there.I brush the thoughts aside, focusing on my double rum and coke. I am supposed to be nursing it, not wanting to get too blasted tonight. But I find myself nearly guzzling it.

“Anyone else ready for more drinks?” I call out while simultaneously trying to get the server’s attention.

Austin and Kate decided they wanted a fancy dinner tonight–not one of the countless buffets on the strip. Unfortunately, that came with a price tag larger than my groceries. Fortunately, Austin wasn’t letting me pay a penny.

“Careful now, I’m not exactly Elon Musk. I do have a limit on funds,” Austin teases, but also looks for the server.

“I’ll pay for my own,” I quip, not wanting to risk being cut off.

I can’t figure out why I can’t get my mind–and eyes–off of Violet. Of course, part of it is her drop-dead beauty. But there is something more. Maybe it is because she doesn’t remind me of any of the women I've been with recently. More so, bouncing between.

I can’t afford to get tied into a relationship. First, I travel too much. Second, most of the women I meet are far too jealous to be okay with me photographing other women. Maybe that’s because I’ve gotten into the habit of sleeping with them after photographing them.

A habit I was ready to break, if I am being honest.

My attention is brought back to the table when everyone lets out a loud cheer. Everyone is holding up a shot glass that has appeared at some point of my introspection. I grab mine, joining them.

“To the happy couple!” Grace calls out.

“Here, here!” everyone says in unison.

“And here’s to you two never growing bored of each other,” Violet adds in, growing a mischievous grin.

Austin and Kate both laugh and initiates for us to all throw back the shot. I freeze, mid toss, when I see Violet’s neck elongate.

“Damn,” I mutter to myself and shake my head.

“You okay?” Austin whispers, leaning in. I nod and put on a smile, forcing my eyes away from Violet. It’s not like I don’t spend most of my time around beautiful women. I can be cool, but there is somethingdifferentabout her that I can’t quite place.

“Are you ready for your bachelorette party?” Violet smiles to Kate.

“Hell yes!” She throws back another shot and kisses Austin on the mouth a little longer than I’d like to witness. But hey, they are in love.

“Let’s go.” Grace grabs Violet and Kate’s hands and they head out of the restaurant for the night. They had been kind enough to invite me to join them but I knew I’d feel more comfortable sticking with Austin for his bachelor party. He isn’t exactly the stripper type and I don’t want my future sister in law feeling like I am keeping an eye on her or anything. Every woman should get to enjoy their night out.

“Where are we headed?” I ask Austin, Grant, and Harry.

“We’re gambling in the casino for a bit and then headed to a show,” Harry says, sipping his drink. He is a bit quiet from what I noticed, only speaking when spoken to directly. Grant has stopped glaring at me for the most part but still isn’t looking to start any friendship bracelets with me either.

Austin pays for the dinner and we grab some drinks along the way to drink at the casino. They are those tall slushy cups that were more sugar than alcohol but I’m not complaining. I add a second shot to mine to make it worthwhile and sip along the way. We are headed to a different hotel with a bigger casino than the one in ours. I didn’t know Austin liked to gamble, but I guess that’s what happens when you spend most of your time in different states. Sometimes I wonder what my life would be like if I finally chose a state and set down some roots but I don’t know if I am cut out for that life.

“You in?” Grant asks, pulling me from my thoughts.

“Yes.” I push my chips forward. I still don’t know exactly how this game works, but I am not about to let a group of guys know that. I don’t want anything ‘mansplained’ to me.

“And the winner is eighteen black!” the dealer announces, which takes me a moment to realize it’s me.

“Beginner's luck,” Grant mumbles and throws his cards down as he steps back from the table. Harry pulls him aside to go play something else while I collect my winnings. Apparently I won three hundred from a game I still don’t understand, but hey, that is Vegas.

“Slots?” Austin asks.