“Shit,”Adriangasps, hips bucking.
Lightningsurges through my clit, andIscream from the sudden explosion consuming the barren field of my life, cleared by my attempt to start over fresh from the worst mistakeI’vemade.Theflames gorge themselves on the remaining vermin of animosity, disgust, and contempt that demolished the goodIhad and made me leave everything behind.
Bringingme right back to what started it all.
Icollapse on the bed.Breathless.Headspiraling.Legstrembling and pussy throbbing.Awhine slips when my clit pulses from a lingering shock.
Adrianpants, almost wheezing. “JesusfuckingChrist.”
Myeyelids fall, letting the darkness consume me.
Thebarren field in my mind is dark and cold, spinning way too fast for me to make heads or tails of which way is up and which way is down.
Butmy body warms with someone next to me, anchoring my twisty world to a familiar demon.
Knotsform at the back of my head.Theyforce my mouth onto something soft and damp.
Mylips part and my tongue runs over another, moaning softly when sweltering heat parts my legs.Theheat wave sweeps over my sensitive clit and elicits a whine from me.
Iyelp when my pussy is smacked hard, the sound disgustingly wet like a soaking swimsuit fresh out of the river dropping onto a tile floor.
Ashadowy figure with a gravelly voice rumbles so close to my ear but from so far away. “I’mnot done with you yet.”
Mylegs shake.Mybreath quakes.
White-hot lightning zings through my core andIcry out, clinging to the blistering form beside me.
Lipsmove against mine. “Tellme you’re my whore.”
Iscream when a hand claps right against my clit, so loud that it echoes and rings in my ears in the vast emptiness.
Fingerscut off oxygen and make me focus on the face in front of mine.
Hazinessof the high obscures features, butIrecognizeAdrianby the taste of him on my tongue, like a mangonada sweetened by sin, tangy and tart with regret, and spiced up to eleven by hatred and desire.
He’sthe devil destroying everything with fire and flame, a grand holocaust that annihilates another life to reveal the old oneIleft behind still there, lying in wait for me to pick up almost exactly whereIleft off.
“Tellme you’re my whore, orIwill fuck your throat ‘til you pass out.”Hesucks in a shaky breath, exhaling on the smallest moan. “I’llmake you choke on my come.”
Hispalm stings my pussy again, andIhowl.
Thevast, freezing emptiness of the field transforms into the fiery pit of hell, burning me alive withAdrianby my side.
The River
–Wage War
Abright lightmakes me groan and turn away from the source to hide.Thescent of coffee hits my nose, and my eyes crack open.
Ibolt upright whenIrealizeI’mnot in my apartment inAtlanta.I’mnot in my room at my parents’.
I’mnaked, inAdrian’sbed, at the twins’ place.
Groaningsoftly,Iscrub a hand over my face before falling back and staring at the blank ceiling.Mybrain is firmly in place, reminding me how muchI’vealready fucked up less than twenty-four hours after arriving home.Iguess ifIfucked up again, waking up in a bed is a lot more comfortable than the back of aSuburban.