Shannonsighs, staring atRobbiewith petulance and pursed lips. “Bandmeeting.”
“Oh, yeah?Sowhy’sStephhere andI’mnot?”
“You’reout of the band,Rob.”
Myjaw drops at the same time asRobbie’s. “What?”
“Thatwasn’t part of the deal!”Ipipe up, still gaping atShannon. “Whatthe hell,Shan?”
Shannon’sglare cuts to me. “Thisdoesn’t concern you.”
“No,”Iinterrupt. “We’renotTimelesswithoutallof us.”
Shannoncompletely ignores me. “You’reout, bro,” he reiterates. “It’sbeen a great run, but it’s time to part ways.”
Ilook toDreeandZfor help, but they’re both too focused onShannonandRobbieto notice.
Hisnostrils flare, hands ball up into fists, and the tips of his ears flush pink. “Youcan’t do this.Imade a deal.”
Myeyes widen. “Whatdeal?”
“Imade a deal with the devil for this goddamn band!”Robbieyells.Hemoves toward us, andAdrianjumps up from the couch and in front of me. “Igot bloody for some stupid ritual bullshit to keepTimelessgoing, and this is how y’all repay me?Byfucking kicking me out?”
Myeyes shatter wide open and my jaw drops. “You’rethe one behind the sacrifice on the bridge?”
“Yeah,”Robbiesays lifelessly, looking betweenAdrian,Shannon, andZak. “Idid that shit so you’d come back to the band andI’dstill be here for it.”Hejabs a finger at each of the guys. “Idid something none of y’all would bother doing forTimeless.Youcouldn’t kick me out even if you wanted to.”
Shannonrises from his seat, face reddened as a flicker passes through his eyes. “It’snot that we wouldn’t do it—it’s that you went behind our backs and did something that puts us all in danger.”
“Maybey’all shouldn’t have shut me out from everything the second afterStephanileft,”Robbiebellows. “I’mdoing whatIhave to to keep us together and going.”
“Youdon’t know what the fuck you’re doing,Rob,”Adriansneers. “Ilove you, bro, but you barked up the wrong fuckin’ tree.”
Robbiestorms forward, his face turning beet red as he growls, “Thendon’t shut me out,bro.”
AdrianshovesRobbieaway, andRobbiepushes back.
AdrianpunchesRobbieright in the gut, repeatingFridaynight all over again as they tumble to the floor.
Zaksomehow looks even paler and watches with empty eyes, like he’s given up.
“Whatthe fuck is going on?”Ishout in the middle of their brawl.
WhenZak’screstfallen gaze meets mine, my heart sinks, diving into the dark and icy pit of my stomach.
Idon’t know what they’ve gotten themselves into, butI’mgoing to get to the bottom of it.
Ilean over the center cushion, closing the space between us, andIkiss him;Ikiss the guyIshould’ve said yes to on stage atNewYear’sBallin front of thousands of people.
It’slike the clock turned back and instead ofRobbieandAdriangrunting from wailing on each other,Shannonshouting at them to quit their shit, it’s my favorite crowd on my favorite day of the year cheering and hooting and hollering becauseIsaid yes.
Withthe wayZakkisses me back, cool lips warming on mine with his beard brushing against my chin, it’s like he’s right there with me under the stage lights, reveling in the moment we never got to have.
Iforce myself away fromZakbefore tears slip over the brim and onto my cheeks, whispering, “Ilove you.”
Irun for the open door.
“Steph, wait!”