Page 83 of The Second Deal

Mygaze wanders to the mantle above the fireplace, full with photo frames.Scanningfrom left to right, none of the photos have changed—it’s the same mix of family and travel photos from tours.Acouple of them include me smiling brightly and hugging ontoZak, him wearing the signatureRamossmirk that lingers between happy and smug as he squeezes me tight.

Iswallow hard and look away when a cloud of vapor envelops the photos.Ihighly doubtDreehas mentioned our date to his brother.

Shannonreappears with a bottle ofShinerin hand.

“Okay, important band meeting,”Isay loudly as he sits in a leather armchair across from me. “WhyamIinvolved?”

“Oh, you’re gonna love this.”

Myjaw clenches. “Oh, amI?”

Zakgroans, tosses his phone aside on the couch, and pinches the bridge of his nose beneath the frames on his face.Hedoesn’t look so hot, appearing wan. “Spitit out already,Jesus.”

Shannonhardly glances atZakas he raises his phone in the air. “Myinbox has been blowin’ up all damn day with labels askin’ if you’re comin’ back to the band and if we’ve signed another contract yet.”

Idon’t say a peep asIglare at him.

Hehappily goes on, “EvenTomVargasemailed me.”

“FuckTomVargas,” the twins andIsimultaneously bitch.Safeto say we all rememberTom’sbitch behavior blasting me online when we refused to sign with his sad label back in the day.

Shannonsnorts and nods. “Yeah,Itold him where he could stick it.”Heleans forward and rests his elbows on his knees. “Isay we pull the fuckin’ trigger and do this.”

Imake a face. “Dowhat?”

Hispalms spread, facing the ceiling. “Youcome back to the band.”

Withouthesitation,Itell him straight up, “No.”

“Tsk, why not?”

“Becauseit’s a bad idea.”Irub a hand over my face that’s gone without makeup today. “Notsure if you noticed what happened whenIwas last with the band.”

Adrianwaves it off. “Withas many fights asRob’sstarted on stage, nobody remembers.”

Ikeep my focus trained on the brown carpet and practically yell, “I’mtalking about my ex-goddamn-boyfriend not being cool with it.”

Zakthrows his hands in the air. “DidIever fuckin’ sayIwasn’t?Maybeyou don’t remember me tellin’ youIdidn’t want you to go.”

Myglare sets in on him. “Fine.Butdon’t talk to me that way.”

Hiseyes close and head falls back. “Don’tassume you know whatIwant.”

“Areyou okay?”Iquestion. “Youdon’t look so good.”

Zakshrugs the question off and settles further into the couch. “ThinkIfinally drank too much.”

Rollingmy eyes and shaking my head,Ilet it drop.

“See,Zak’sfine with it,”Shannonsays. “Weall want you back.”

“Soyou mind telling me whyRobbie’snot here, then?”

“Heneeds to fuckin’ go,”Adrianspits.

“Yeah, he does,”Zakgrumbles in agreement.

Myhead slowly shakes. “Idon’t know why y’all are suddenly mortal enemies after all these years, but ifTimelessisn’t the same without me, then it’s definitely not the same withoutRob.”