Page 82 of The Second Deal

OMGsum of these hoes just want to set fire to shit when theyre jealous. @StephaniWadeu should b ashamed of urself!

Pleasetell me you’re coming back toTimeless@StephaniWade!!!

Donttell me @StephaniWadegotBOTHRamostwins.ThatsSOnot fair!!


Withoutgiving it a second thought,Ideactivate my account for now—I’lldeal with the weekend’s aftermath whenI’mnot already feeling likeI’msix feet underground.

Anothertext message pops up, this time in the family chat from my brother.

Dinnerat yalls placeWednesday?

Great,Ithink, slumping back into my chair.JustwhatIneed: being face to face with my ex-best friend who hates my guts and my brother who is oblivious to tonight’s secret band meeting.

What’snext,Krisis going to show up unannounced and rip my heart out for the main course?



–So It Begins

Foulisone way to describe my mood asIwring the steering wheel of my car on the way to the twins’.Dadjust gave me a stern talking to about keeping up with maintenance on my car, andIhad to come up with some new excuse for leaving other than partying.

Buthow doIexplainI’mgoing to a band meeting thatRobbiedoesn’t know about, but, no,I’mnot rejoining the band?

Thiscan’t be good,Ithink asIpull into the driveway and findShannonstepping out of his dark grayFordtruck.Withmore rumors spreading like wildfire throughout the day andRobbiebeing out of the know of tonight’s band meeting, something’s up.

ThewayShannoneyeballs me asIpark behind his truck confirms it.

“Hey, you made it,” he says far too cheerfully.

“Yeah, about that,”Isay asIapproach with crossed arms. “WhyamIhere?”

Hecocks his head and ambles towards the front door. “Howwas work?”

“Would’vebeen a lot better ifIdidn’t have this hangin’ over my head all day.”

“C’mon,Steph,” he says as he opens the heavy wooden door without knocking. “It’snothing bad,Ipromise.”

“Yeah, right,”Igrumble under my breath asIpass him by.

Dreelounges on the leather sectional with his vape, andZakis perched at the other end frowning at his phone through his glasses.Hiswavy hair is down for the first time sinceI’vebeen back, and it’s only gotten longer, stopping mid-torso.

Istop in my tracks.Asudden chill works its way down my spine—Ihaven’t been in the same room as bothRamosbrothers in a while.

Shannonnudges me forward, catchingDree’sattention.Heflashes a bright smile at me asShannonpushes me towards the center of the sectional—between the twins.

Zakdoesn’t pay any attention to me, staying focused on his phone.Nobandage covers up holes in his neck—he’s completely healed with no indication of being attacked.

MaybeI’mthe one who’s been drunk and hallucinating the weekend away.

“Hey,”Dreegreets, pushing himself up on an elbow asShannonheads into the kitchen. “Howwas work?”

Ishrug. “Fine.”

Dreewatches me with that lingering smile, even as he vapes. “Okay.”