Page 81 of The Second Deal

Istare at his text for a moment too long, knowing he’s waiting for me to text back.

Theaching gnaw in my gut keepsZakfront and center of my mind.

There’sa song out in the world about me and whatIdid to him.

Yethis brother has his claws sunk so deep into me thatIcan’t shake it off anymore.

Finally,Isend a kissy emoji, hoping that’ll satisfy him for now.

Momcleared off a spot on my bed to sit and has been quietly stroking my hair for what feels like an eternity.

“Idon’t thinkI’llmake it to work today,”Ifinally whisper.

“Sureyou will,” she responds a lot more cheerfully thanIcare for. “Justa late start and early finish.”Shekisses my head. “I’llget a fresh pot of coffee started for you.”

Istay in bed just a little longer, staring up at the ceiling.Thescent of coffee permeates my room.

Myphone buzzes.

Bandmeeting @ 8.It’simportant.Ushould be there too,Steph.

Myhead crashes into a pillow, staring atShannon’stext.

IfaTimelessmeeting is important enough to warrant me being there, it’s definitely nothing good.

EspeciallyifRobbieisn’t part of the group text calling for a band meeting.


WhenIround the corner of the kitchen,Dadis helping himself to a fresh cup.

“Mornin’, sweet pea.”Hepecks the top of my head asIreach for a mug.

Ifeel his questioning gaze on me, but he doesn’t ask anything.

“SoIwon’t bombard you today,” he starts, “butIdo wanna go over a quick list of things that need to get done pronto.”

Ilean back against a counter with a steaming cup of coffee at my lips. “Promovideo, social media posts, shirt design mockups,VIPand backstage and press passes…”Itrail off, tapping the mug and thinking. “Oh, and posters, duh.”

Momreaches over to smack his shoulder, startling him. “Itold you she’s on top of everything.”

“I’dhope so after all these years,”Dadsays, watching me with a glint of pride.Heblinks and brings coffee to his lips, mentioning under his breath, “Nowall that’s left is getting you back in the band.”

Iclick my tongue and scoff, taking my coffee with me to his office to get started on promo material and hoping that’ll take my mind off everything.

WhenIsit down at my old workstation in the office,Ipause to scroll through socials, just to bullshit a minute longer before getting to work.

Butthe red dot showing ninety-nine-plus notifications waiting for me has my eyes widening and my back straightening up like a bolt of lightning just struck.

I’mtagged in so many posts featuring photos and videos of my surprise appearance at the show onSaturdaynight.

Interspersedbetween those is the occasional notification of a comment tagging me inNorma’spost.

Thisbitch? @StephaniWade

Checkout who might be back inTimeless!!! @StephaniWade