Page 77 of The Second Deal

Momscoffs. “Mmm-hm.”Herglare sets in on me. “C’monbeforeIdrag you to confession tomorrow.”

Adriangrabs my hip and bends to my ear, saying lowly, “Don’ttell her you’re gonna need to go every day this week to repent for what we’ve done and are gonna do.”

Ispin around and smack his shoulder. “Shutthe hell up, damn fool.”

Hegrins impishly before waving atMom. “Makesure our girl behaves.FatherTomasis relentless in the confessional.”

Momclucks her tongue and bitches at him under her breath.WhenIstep onto the porch,Icatch some semblance of “pain in the ass” before stepping into the house.

Istart heading to my room untilMomcalls out, “Whatare you doing?”

Lookingover my shoulder at her with brows knitted,Ireply, “Goingto my room?”

Herarms are still firmly crossed as she steps closer to me with a terrifyingly serious expression. “Imeant withAdrian.”

Iturn around to face her and shrug. “Wewent out, had a couple of drinks.Stuffpeople in their twenties normally do.”

Mom’sknowing stare is one of those that makes you squirm and could make you confess to anything just to get her to stop.

Shesucks on her teeth. “Areyou andAdriandating?”

Ishift from foot to foot, hesitating. “Whatif we are?”

“Idon’t think it’s a good idea.”


“BecauseGodforbid you rejoinTimeless, make another mistake, and think leaving town is the only way out of things again.”

Thescowl on my face sinks lower into a sullen, brooding frown. “I’mnot getting back in the band.”

“Youreally should.”

Scoffing,Ispin around and stalk off towards the house.

“Listento the last album, if you haven’t,”Momhollers after me down the hall. “It’spretty great.”

AllIcan respectfully muster is a loudFrankensteingrunt to acknowledgeIheard and to not come banging on my door about it.

Ipush my back against the cool door, holding my breath and listening for footsteps.

Momheads back to the living room.TheTVshuts off.Theirbedroom door closes on the other side of the house.

Ifinally take a deep breath and let my eyes close.

Myphone buzzes.Dreetexted a kissy face and heart emojis.

EventhoughIwent into the shower all lightheaded with a big grin plastered to my face,I’mleft staring up at the dark ceiling in bed solemnly with a familiar emptiness in the pit of my stomach.

Apart of me wishesIwould’ve letAdrianwhisk me away back to his bed.

ButZakis probably there at the other end of the house.

Withhim nearby, he might be all thatIthink about even whileAdrianis inside me.

Huffing,Ireach for my phone and pull up somethingI’vealready searched for recently:ZakRamos,Timeless.

Thesame photo pops up ofZakriling up a crowd at a concert, the one that goes with the article about the song he wrote.