Page 76 of The Second Deal

Iwas withZakfor so long,Ifucked everything up so badly with him and theRamosfamily thatIcan’t have either of them the wayIwant.

Afterresituating my neckline,Ireach for the steering wheel to lift myself up, and we both groan as his dick slips out.Hiscome seeps down my thighs asIfall into the passenger seat.

Adrianreaches for my hand and laces our fingers together.Hekisses the back of my hand. “Steph...”

Hedoesn’t say anything else, only peers over at me.

Thegash on my arm suddenly burns and stings, making me inhale sharply and grab my arm. “Fuck.When’sthis shit supposed to stop hurting.”

Adriandoesn’t respond.WhenIlook up,Ifind him focused ahead at the line of trees.

Agigantic white owl with long black hair perches in a live oak strong enough to handle a human-sized bird on its limbs.

Kris’sface with an ivory beak flushed crimson and black eyes stares back at us a short distance away.

Correction: she stares atme, her tongue flitting out to wet her bloody beak like she’s extra hungry and waiting for me to step foot outside the truck.


The House (That Fear Built)


Inever thoughtIwould be the stuff of legends, being one of the unfortunate souls to incur the wrath of a man-eating, shapeshifting witch literally hunting me down until she’s got my beating heart in her beak.

Inever thought she would be someone so close, either.

Adriancracks his door open. “Waithere.”

He’ssure to fully close the door, examining his owl-sister by the truck for a moment.Suddenly, he throws his arms up in the air and flails around, yelling curse words at her.

Shebeats her wings at him a couple of times, obviously irritated with him getting in the way of her dinner.

Adriandoesn’t give a shit; he smacks her wings, unafraid of la lechuza, and yells, “Nome chingues, go!Pinchependeja!”

Krisgets the last word whacking him over the head with her wing before soaring off, heading west.

Normally, that’d be pretty funny.Ifanything about la lechuza was funny,Imean.

Hestands watch with fists on his hips until she disappears into the horizon over the trees.Heremains at attention for a long moment, probably waiting, watching, listening forKristo fly back around and grab me when we least expect it.

Sheseems to have left, though, so he returns to the truck, opening my door and holding his hand out for me to grab and hop down.Thesecond my feet hit the pavement, his hand is on my cheek and his lips on mine.

Adoor squeaks open. “Stephani?”

“Shit,”Iwhisper.Slowly,Iturn around to findMomwatching us from the porch with her arms crossed over her bright blue muumuu and a brow raised. “Ma’am?”

“Whatwas all that racket?”

“Oh, you know,”Adrianinterjects, “just scaring off la lechuza.”

Momrolls her eyes. “Y’all’vebeen sitting out here for fifteen minutes,” she comments. “Betternot be doin’ anything inappropriate.”

Heleans against theTacomain earnest likeIdidn’t just ride his dick and his come isn’t seeping down my thighs. “No, ma’am,”Adrianlies through his teeth.

Momisn’t amused. “YouandRobbieboth have always been my problem children.”

Adriangasps, slapping his hand over his heart. “I’moffended!Weboth knowI’mthe golden child.”