Page 68 of The Second Deal

Themusic bumping through the speakers transitions from house to a familiar but electronic beat, making everyone hoot and holler and rush to the dance floor if they weren’t there already.

Adeep, throaty chuckle pools in my ear as hands slip to my hips and the body behind me begins to sway, guiding me to theboom, ba-boom, ba, boomof reggaeton.

Myeyes close and lips curl upward—Ihaven’t heard reggaeton or danced cumbia in a while.

Withcold drinks in hand,Adriandoesn’t lead me to the dance floor despite two-stepping the way forward.Helugs me along to the other side, just behind a length of tall table separating the dance floor from a section lined with booths and an empty wall leading to restrooms in the back.

Itake a long, freezing cold glug of margarita that shocks the heat in my body and sends a shiver down my torso.

Adrian’seyes don’t leave me as he gently undulates to the music, his hot hand wrapped around mine while he sips his rum andCoke.Hisgaze devours me like a predator summing up its prey before striking and,God,Idon’t want him to stop staring.

I’msuddenly hyper-aware of the fact he didn’t give me my panties back.

Hesets his drink on the tabletop, taking the liberty of doing the same with mine, and pulls me close.Hisscent engulfs my senses beyond the smell of alcohol and fog machines and sweat.

Hetwirls me around before snapping me back to his body.Onehand grips mine and the other slinks to the small of my back.

Myanatomy responds to his, following his lead in a languid four-step so our bodies stay connected, like we were designed perfectly for each other for this exact moment.

Afever stirs so deeply within that it threatens to consume me.

“What’veyou been doing sinceI’vebeen gone,Dree?”



“Wonderingif you would ever be in my life again.”

Themusic morphs back into regularEDM, cueing us to part and grab our drinks.

Idon’t respond untilIsip more margarita. “Besidesthe sappy bullshit.”

“Gettinghigh and lost in groupie pussy.”

Myexpression sours. “Youcould’ve given me the edited version.”

“Idon’t thinkI’mknown for my self-censorship, princesa.”Hepauses to take a nip. “Whatabout you?Theuncensored version.”

Ihold his gaze, even as it becomes unbearably uncomfortable. “Keepingmyself busy at the studio.”

Hescoffs. “Thinkyou’re forgetting something.”


Oneof his brows raises sky high. “Iknow for a fact you went out withTyat least once while you were there.”

Imake a face at him. “What’sit to you?I’veknown him way longer than you.”

“Iwanna know about it.”

“It’snone of your fucking business.”

“Oh, my bad.Ithought we were being honest with each other.”

“Okay, fine.Tytook me out.”Iquickly add to get beneath his skin, “Andit was fun.”

Idon’t hear it above the music and the din of the crowd surrounding us, butIsee him snort. “Yeah, so much fun you came crawling back home and into my bed.”