Page 65 of The Second Deal

“Chingonada,” he swears, reaching over to pinch my thigh.

Laughing,Itry to push his hand away, but he grabs mine.Idon’t fight him on it.Amoment later, he gently squeezes.

Deadbrush passes by in the window in a blur.Adrianrubs his thumb across my fingers, and it’s only thenIrealize: we’re holding hands.And… it’s nice.

WhenIglance over at him, his simper is breathtaking.Itfalls whenIcatch a glimpse of the gauze my dress sleeve mostly hides.

“So,”Ibegin, “Krisis la lechuza.Zakgot bit by a vampire baby and made a deal with the devil.Yougot any legendary qualities you’re hiding from me?”

“Yeah.I’mthe werewolf ofConverse.”

Imake a face. “Dowhat now?”

“You’venever heard that story?”

“Uh, no.Never.Soundsalmost as stupid as fang baby.”

“Yeah, fang baby is pretty stupid,” he mutters. “Idon’t thinkIbuy that one, butKrisis pretty real.”

Iblow air through my teeth. “Yeah, seeing her on the porch last night was scary enough.”

Myeyes widen likeI’mstuck on tracks and a train is headed right for me.

“She’snot gonna stop until she gets me.And… and the fuckingdevilhas gotta be real, right?Becausethat’s how brujas become lechuzas—”

“Don’tworry aboutKris.ZakandIwill handle her.Butyou’ve got to stop going by the bridge,Steph.It’sdangerous.”

“Yeah, you’re telling me!”Isquawk.

“Tellyou what.”Helaces our fingers together and brings the back of my hand to his mouth, planting a kiss and glancing between me and the road jamming up with traffic the closer we get to downtown. “I’llpromise nothing will happen to you if you do something for me.”

“Oh, yeah?Andwhat would that be?”

“Bemy girlfriend.”

Groaning,Iroll my eyes and snatch my hand away. “You’regonna do that, anyway, becauseI’myour best friend.”

“So?Itcomes with added benefits.”

“Likewhat?Fucking?Becausewe’re doing that already.”

“Don’tmake me revoke your dick privileges.”

Icackle loudly. “Dous both a favor!”

“Steph,Idon’t understand what your problem is,”Adriansays. “We’refucking.We’regoing out.Wealready know we like each other and get along, for the most part.Whatelse are you waiting for,Zak’sblessing?”

“Tsk, fuck you, asshole.”

TheRiverWalkwinds its way through downtownSanAntonioin the windows, greeting us with fiesta-colored lights and flags yelling “Fiestaaqui!”But, fuck, ifI’mnot in a festive mood at all withAdrianstill pestering me about being his girlfriend.

Myheart skips a beat and starts to race whenAdrianparks in a lot.

Thetiniest smile is noticeable on his lips, and it widens when he catches me staring. “What?”

“Promiseyou won’t bother me about being your girlfriend again,”Isay. “Atleast let’s get through this damn date first like you said.”

Hestares at me long and hard until, finally, he nods. “Okay.Fairenough.”Then, he points at me. “Butpromise you’ll give me a fair shot, hard ass.”