Page 61 of The Second Deal

Hisfootsteps stop abruptly.Hesays so softly, “What?”

Seewhat he thinks of me being too good now,Ithink asIlet the door slam behind me.Imight have left, butInever stopped caring, not even forSunnyandLupeRamosdespite the fact they’ve been gone for almost eight years.

Thedoor opens andZakcatches my arm beforeIhave a chance to step inside the kitchen.He’scareful of the cut as he makes me face him

Ifhe doesn’t stop looking at me like that…

“Why?” he demands quietly with an intense stare.

Thesmell of bacon frying and coffee brewing wafts in from the kitchen, like it’s any normalSunday.

Heshould know this by now, but maybe he doesn’t. “Yourlast girl might be a bitch and made some really bad decisions, but she still loves you,”Iutter before finally tearing myself away and storming into the kitchen.

Ishouldn’t have said that.

Ishouldnothave said that.

Especiallynot with him being under the same roof as my parents and having breakfast with them.

EspeciallywhenIjust fucked his brother,again, right beforeIsaw him.

“Youmissed another greatFatherTomashomily today,"Mommentions as she pokes bacon in a pan. “Hesaid he’d love to catch up with you afterMassnext week.”

Dadhands me a fresh mug of coffee and points to the sugar and creamer.Zak’seyes on me are like a fucking spotlight that burns the air, even whenDadhands him coffee.

Someonesnaps their fingers repeatedly. “Hello, earth toStephani!”

“Hmm?”Ipull coffee away from my lips and looking at my mother. “I’msorry, what?”

Sheglances atDadandZakheading to the dining room table before leaning in close. “Iknow this must be weird for you withZakbein’ here ‘n’ all, but he goes with us everySundaywhen the band isn’t out of town.”Shelooks over at him. “Iknow it’s because he misses his parents, but havin’ him around has made it feel like you were a lot closer to home.”

Gaping, it takes me a moment to remind her, “Webroke up how long ago?”

Shescowls. “Tsk, and y’all were inseparable for years before that.”

Ireturn her scowl. “Ithought you were wise enough to know that people and relationships change.”

Mom’slips purse as she flips bacon in the pan. “Whathappened to your arm?”

Ihardly glance at it. “Accident.”

Shesucks in a sharp breath. “Heardyou played at the show last night,” she says a little too loudly.

Oh, this is going to be good.

“Yeah,”Isay, matching her volume. “Zakdecided to bail andAdrianthrew me under the bus to take his place.”

Thesilence that cuts through the kitchen and dining room is so, so sweet.

Dadclears his throat. “Well, that’s disappointing,” he says.

Iturn away fromMomto hide my satisfaction.

“But,” he continues, “it seems like it might’ve worked inTimeless’sfavor.”

Thatmakes me spin around. “What?”Isay the same time asZak.

Dadsmacks his lips after a sip of coffee and glimpses between us. “Word’sgotten out about your appearance.I’vestarted hearing some whispers through the grapevine there’s renewed interest from a few labels.”