Thesmug look on his face says he knowsI’mweak. “Justadmit it,Steph,” he purrs from above.
Hemoves his hips so slightly, and his cock slips a little further.Myfingernails dig into my palms, but it still happens: my body flushes head to toe with heat and desire.Myeyelids close, andIbite my bottom lip.
“Justadmit that you want me,” he says in my ear with a low, raspy voice.
“You’rea piece of shit,”Igrit out, more of a reminder to myself to do the right thing and not give in.
“Soare you, fuckin’ slut.”
Isnatch my wrists free, andAdriantopples over beforeIcan escape.Ipush him off and scramble up from the floor.
Eyeballingmy underwear next to him,Adrianis quick to kick them and my shorts away.
Hiseyes narrow, summing me up half-naked before him. “Ilike it better when you’re only wearing one of my shirts.”
Iscoff. “Idon’t give a shit what you like.”
Hishand flashes under my chin, grasping my throat and shoving me against the nearest wall. “Fine.”
Adrianpositions himself between my lower lips, sighing as he slips and slides through the wetness that’s been building between my legs.Myeyes flutter closed, savoring the throbbing heat moving under me and against my clit, before realizing he’s staring right at me.
Hepresses his lips against mine and murmurs, “I’lldo what you like, then.”
The Drug I Need
–Against All Will
Isigh softlywhen the swollen head ofAdrian’sdick ridges over my clit.Gulpingdown air doesn’t help make sense of any of the scrambled thoughts in my head. “Andwhat is it you thinkIlike?”
“Justlisten to you,”Adriansays softly.Heleans in close, his hips bumping into mine as he draws his flattened tongue up my neck.Hismovements pulsate, and he kisses me long and hard as he groans softly with me.
Hebreaks away, murmuring, “Lookat you.”Hepulls out almost all the way, just the tip lingering over my clit, and glances down.
WhenIfollow his line of sight, he’s literally dripping wet.
Hedrives his pelvis forward with a gentle grunt. “Faceit, princesa,”Adriansays lowly in my ear. “Youlike anythingIdo to you.”Hisfingers tighten around my throat, and he nibbles the electrified skin beneath my ear. “Andyou’re gonna keep crawling back for more ‘cause you’re a fucking whore for me.”
Myeyes flutter closed as more wetness floods over his cock.Ibite back a whimper, letting out a soft sigh as my fingernails dig into his hips colliding with mine.
Itdoesn’t go unnoticed.
Helifts me up by the ass and nails my soaking wet pussy to the wall.Thegroans in my ear are hardly audible with blood rushing through my ears.
Teethscrape over the flesh of my neck, and he thrusts harder.
Myeyes roll back and soft cries permeate the kitchen, relishing his complete attention, his obsession with me.Myinner walls clench tightly around his cock, begging to be obliterated.
Hefeels way too damn good.
“Whatabout a condom?”
Adriankisses me roughly, groaning as he drills deeper. “I’llcome in you ifIwant to,” he mumbles against my lips.
“WhatifIdon’t want you to?”
“I’ma piece of shit, remember?”Hishead tilts back, exposing his tattooed neck. “WhatdoIcare what you want?”