Page 56 of The Second Deal

Adriansets his breakfast down on the counter. “Yeah, andIdon’t know if you've noticed, but we’ve finally hit the wall,Steph.It’sthe end.Allbecause you decided you’d rather ghost everyone than own up to your fucking mistake.”

Iscowl at him. “Itwas your mistake as much as it was mine.”

Hesteps closer and his gaze softens. “Yeah,” he murmurs, “andIwanted to work things out.Istill wanna work things out.Withthe bandandwith you.”

“Whyare you trying to make this—”Igesture between us, “—a thing?”

Hemakes a face. “‘Causewe are ‘a thing’.”

Myeyes nearly bug out of my head. “Areyou fucking kidding me?YouthinkI’mgonna want you after you cheated on your girlfriend?Youthink it’s fine to not be faithful and fuck around when you’re with someone?”

“Thefuck do you call what you did to my brother, then?”

Icould choke him. “Thebiggest mistake of my fucking life, that’s what.”

Hislips purse. “I’msorry for whatIdid toNormaand what we did toZak.ButI’mnot letting you go again.”

Myface falls even further. “Whatpart,”Ibegin, stepping towardsAdrianand shoving him, “of ‘Ifucking hate you’ do you not get, asshole?”

Hepushes my shoulder back. “MaybeI’mgetting mixed signals with you fuckin’ me, wearin’ my clothes, and sleepin’ in my bed.”

Myjaw drops, andIshove him even harder. “Ugh!”

Adrianpushes me again, sending me stumbling towards the wall.ButIbounce back and race towards him.

Adriancatches my wrist before my palm meets his face.Hetwists my arm and pins it behind my back, propelling me into the counter.Thequartz bites at my hips as his crotch grinds into my ass.

“Slapme again and see what happens, bitch.”

Iswing my leg around to trip him backwards.Whenhis grip slips,Ispin around to smack him across the face.

“Callme a bitch one more time,”Isay through gritted teeth.

Anevil smirk tugs at the corner of his lips. “Bitch.”

Lurchingforward, my fingers knot inAdrian’shair to tilt his head back.Islap him again before he tackles me onto the floor.

Hetowers over me and his hand comes to my throat. “FuckdidIsay about slappin’ me, huh?” he seethes, pressing down on my neck.

Ibust his cheek again.

Adrianpins both arms above my head onto the floor and grabs at my shorts. “Thisis what you want, isn’t it?”

Iwriggle and kick until he releases my hands, andIslap him as he snatches my shorts. “Getthe fuck offa me!”

Nomatter how hardIhit him,Adrianstill manages to rip my shorts and underwear off.

Whenhe pauses to unbutton his black jeans,Iscramble away.

Handswrap around my ankles and yank me back. “Fuckyou think you’re goin’?”

Ismack his chest before he shoves my legs apart and kneels between my thighs, letting his stiff dick settle in my slit and making all the warmth in my body drain to my pussy.Heclamps my hands above my head beforeIcan run.

Adrian’sposition sends a throbbing ache through me.

I’mnot going to let him do this to me—I’mnot going to let him win and beg for his cock to thrust all the way inside.

Adrian’stip slips a little, making my hands clench into fists soIdon’t rock my hips, or whimper, or close my eyes.