Page 55 of The Second Deal

Adrian’sarm slips under mine, wrapping around my waist to draw me closer. “Iwanted you to myself.Youwere incredible at the show.”

Hisnose skims the column of my neck up to my ear, and his hand slips beneath his shirtI’mwearing.Hisbreath hitches as his calloused hands search for bottoms or underwear over my hip but find none.

“Oh.”Hislips press against my neck. “Youwanna make up for it, huh?”

Ipush him away and climb out of bed, keeping my lower bits covered by yanking theT-shirt down while balancing coffee in hand.IthinkIleft my clothes in his bathroom. “Abso-fucking-lutely not.”

Hislow chuckle follows me asIgrab my phone from the nightstand and head out of the bedroom.

Ty’sname greets me with a new message.

Youback inTimelesswithout telling me?

No.Justcovered forZaksince he was out sick.

Theperfect cup of coffee mocks me on the bathroom counter asIsearch for an extra toothbrush.

Myphone buzzes.

Yeahsure.Coveringcode for y’all seeing how it goes over with fans before pulling the trigger?

“Okay, motherfucker,”Igrumble aloud asItoss my phone aside.I’mnot going to answer him if he’s going to be an asshole like that.

Acool splash of water soothes my puffy skin and swollen eyes, but it doesn’t touch my flaring temper whenIstare at the coffee asIpat my face dry.Adrianmight be happy about having me to himself this morning, but he still has a lot to answer for from last night.

Ijust hate that the coffee hits the spot so perfectly asImake my way down the hall, whereIfind him cutting up fruit in the kitchen.

Heperks up like an excited puppy when he sees me. “Morecoffee?”

Imake a point of setting my mug in the sink. “No.”



“Aswift kick in the ass?”

Icross my arms, and he laughs as he tosses fruit into a bowl.

Asexpected, he tops the strawberries and pineapple chunks with plenty ofTajin. “Ifeel you staring at me.”

“Didy’all set me up last night?”Idemand.


“Forme to fill in forZakat the show.”

Adriancocks his head as he chews. “Guessyou didn’t see me calling his sorry ass multiple times to see where the fuck he was.”

“I’mnot gonna ask to get back into the band.”

“No,” he says through a mouthful, “you’re gonna fuckin’ beg.”

Myjaw drops. “Excuseyou?”

“Zakwasn’t the only one hurt when you left.Laprincesita cried for weeks.Shannonhasn’t been the same.Robbiewent off the deep end.”Hegoes silent for a moment, staring at the counter with hardened eyes. “Ittore me up, too.Timelessshuttered after you left.Wecame—” he pinches his index finger and thumb almost together, “—this close to calling it quits.Butwe’ve tried to make it work.”

Ithrow my hands in the air. “LastIchecked,Timelesshas put out another album, gone on tour, and gotten even bigger.Y’allhave been doing pretty fuckin’ well without me.”