Page 53 of The Second Deal

Hetears away. “Getout.”

“What?”Iask breathlessly.

Hisheat disappears, and he sits on the edge of the bed. “Getout.”

Slowly,Isit up, studying the gray shirt on his back facing me. “DidI—”

“Isaid get out.”

Mybottom lip trembles as it juts out.Ican’t pry my gaze fromZak, butIforce myself up from his bed and out of his room.

Slammingthe door, the ache in my chest finally breaks me.

Ireally thought there was something there.Ithought…Ithought…

Myface crumples, andIturn to leave untilIglance down and realizeI’mstill wearing his stupid clothes.Istrip them off as quickly asIcan, throwing them at his door, before running down the hallway to put distance between us.

Idon’t know whatIwas thinking.

Zakis drunk.He’snostalgic and hates me for whatIdid to him.

There’sno way he will ever forgive me.

ButasIrush through the house, capturing a glimpse of something large and white in the darkened kitchen window in my periphery,Iremember just how fuckedIam tonight.I’mstill imprisoned in this house and hiding from la lechuza, the only thingIcan for sure confirm is real and true tonight.

Everythingelse… who fucking knows.

Ishould sleep on the couch, but the thought of being any closer toZakthanIneed to be sends angry tears surging over the brim of my waterline.SoIslamAdrian’sbedroom door behind me.

Zakshouldn’t want me, anyway.Ibroke his heart and shouldn’t be forgiven for it.Notwith whatIdid.

IraidAdrian’sdrawers after turning a lamp on and find an old, oversizedTimelesstee.Istart to shut the drawer until a glimmering plastic package catches my attention.

Reachingfor and examining it in what little light the lamp gives off, it’s a set of black candles.

Acrease forms between my brows.Iglance down in the drawer to see if anything is underneath, then around his room to check for any candles not on the bookshelves.

Shuttingthe drawers, something rattles on top before rolling.Itheads for the floor untilIcatch it.


Igroan underneath my breath asIreplace it on top of the dresser, keeping an eye on it asIpull the shirt on.

Figures,Adrian’scalling on the devil and making sacrifices, yetZak’sthe one sealing a deal for his life.

Thatis, if his drunk ass isn’t exaggerating.

Isettle intoAdrian’sbed likeIown the damn room.LikeIbelong here.AllwhileZakis on the other side of the house probably laughing to himself.

Tearsfill my eyes asIcurl up into a ball under the sheets.Asudden sob scares a hiccup out of me.

Itfeels like my heart is splitting in two, cracking wide open whatIthoughtIcemented back together and shoved under a dark and dusty bed to be forgotten about.

Myvision clouds over beforeIbury my face intoAdrian’spillow.


The Way You Like It